The craft scattered, breaking off as soon as they fired. The LRMs tracked the craft as best they could, but the extreme angle they'd peeled away in caused the missiles to careen into the dark waters, sending mud and water exploding across the battlefield. One craft caught a few missiles in the side, blowing chunks away from the lightly armored vehicle. Tiger Six's AC shots, as suppressive fire, did much what they were intended to: keeping the hovercraft moving for fear of being blown apart, and churned up more or the marsh, but it was his PPC that struck true, the caged lightning exploding across the battlefield and reducing the hoverskirt to a charred wreck, it crashed into the swamp, and prisoners began to scurry out, trying desperately to stay atop the slowly sinking vehicle. Tiger One's own carefully aimed shots slammed into the front of the Hovercraft, blowing the drivers area clean off, the craft began to slow and drift off course. The SRM rack came around and unleashed six fast-moving missiles at the avian Mech. The remaining two hovercraft veered away and fired at Tiger 4 with all weapons as they attempted to race past the Mechs.