[Center][h3][color=Firebrick]Connor Paine[/color][/h3][/center] He shrugged, sitting down. [color=Firebrick]"Maybe, you may have been stronger. But at the end of the day, you'd still be a freak. And who wants that?"[/color] He looked over the food. Unlike the other participants, his experiments hadn't changed his mannerisms, instincts or appearance very much. He didn't crave seeds, or bugs, or whatever lyrebirds ate. He picked off some chicken and then moved some cornbread over to his plate. It might have been prepared specially for him. Maybe not, who knows. A lot of stuff didn't really make sense here. [color=Firebrick]"With any luck. Lots of damage.[/color] He nodded, smirking. As Oliver turned to the female experiments, Connor rolled his eyes a little, then looked aimlessly about while eating, his eyes catching the wolf girl. He switched to an imitation of Vlad's voice. [color=Firebrick]"What I meant to say was - we're using your DNA as cannon fodder so we can make supersoldiers to fight our wars for us. You will probably die."[/color] He grinned. [@King Tai] [@dragonbutts]