I really like the pixar movie Inside Out, so here is my attempt to make something mature with some concepts from it. One idea is this: occasionally, when two people's souls's wavelength match for a period, what happens is that their emotions cross over, practically possessing them until they either get out of tune with each other or they figure out that is the other person making them do this, they accept it, cease being controlled but they are influenced by them, and they accept that that person will have a great impact on them for better or worse. The initial situation that sparked the cross over would have been nothing special, perhaps being stuck in an elevator for a little bit together while they waited on maintenance. After, however, both our characters would have been affected by aspects of the other's personality to a ridiculous extreme; I think it would be interesting if my character caught some depression that yours was kind of dealing with, but he experiences it like he was at it's worse for her. Yet, this does pass, because that was not his emotions; regardless, there were consequences for that time he spent dealing with, all of which he could have dealt with easily if he wasn't truly dominated by a smoldering Rage, emboldened by the fact that he was finally free from that overbearing sadness. Likewise, he had been kinda handling his anger problem, but he really burned with when he lost the respect he had worked so hard to get, and his rage would also be the emotion that your character was possessed by for a time. And, it is that rage that he will direct at her-- the reason for them meeting the second time would be simply because they work in same highrise-- though he doesn't know why, it just feels right to him because she was there when it shit hit the fan. This pairing would be MXF. PM me to do one of these plots. I will have more ideas related to emotions as I feel them.