[color=F8CFF0]​Adrianna greeted everyone with the requisite niceties as they filtered into the library​. She remained, for the most part, relatively expressionless, her brown eyes alert and watchful (though the side of her lip lifted up into a small half-smile at Alexander's comments about the drabness of the entire affair). Adrianna didn't even have to look in Rowena's direction as Elodie LaVerre entered to know that Rowena would take care of it. "A pleasure to see you as well, Lady LaVerre," Adrianna replied neutrally as Rowena responded as well (though in a much more enthusiastic manner), gently taking Elodie by the arm and leading her in the other direction. Adrianna inclined her head slightly as Alyssana Grey strode into the room; the two of them had been rather close in school, though that was a long time ago. "It is good to see you as well, Professor Grey," Adrianna said sincerely. Finally-Finnegan Oaks. Adrianna had witnessed all of Rowena and Finnegan's interactions at finishing school; it had been quite a trying experience, to say the least. Nevertheless, she gave him a polite greeting, nodding once towards the woman on his arm-Evelyn. [color=palevioletred]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] Charlotte Vernell, whom most people simply referred to as "Lottie", walked into the library, alone. She enthusiastically greeted the honorable Captain Kingsford before she spotted Alyssana, alone with a woman she didn't know. Lottie immediately sprang in their direction, beaming at them. "Professor Grey! I'm so glad to see you!" she practically squealed, smiling widely. She turned to the pretty blonde woman, her smile never faltering. "Oh, I'm [i]so[/i] sorry, where are my manners? I'm Charlotte, but everyone calls me Lottie. It's a pleasure to meet you!" [/color]