[@Vampire Stepdad] Varrus smirked at Kotze. Well, his face kinda moved in a way that might resemble a smirk considering his biological make-up made it extremely difficult to make anything other than a poker face. He began to put away most of the vials he took out though he kept one bottle of pills. [color=violet]It's nothing special. Just some pills to ease the pain. Your shoulder is going to be sore for alittle while.[/color] Varrus said as he handed Kotze the bottle. [color=violet]Take two a day, one when you wake up and one before you sleep. Also, a dislocated shoulder is more likely to dislocate again. If you happen to find your shoulder doing it again, fill free to come back. Though I hope next time you come back is because you will let me use the potato scooper.[/color] Varrus walked back to his desk and sat down. [color=violet]You go ahead to breakfast. I need to stay here to make sure anyone else who comes by gets examined. Though if you happen to meet anyone down there could you please send then my way.[/color] Varrus said before sending Kotze off. Though before Kotze would leave the room, Varrus would say in a rather disturbing tone that would echo through Kotzes head. [color=violet]Thank you for your time.[/color]