[@Kuchenlein] The airships now started raining huge amounts of pods, all containing Ironeagle troops that would start to swarm the defenses. A horn was sounded in the distance and the second group had joined the first wave. Already, a third wave now charges across the land. Now the main Ironeagle troops were less then a kilometer away from the Pherithian and Harkyuian bases and closing in for a bloody melee, similar to the Japanese Banzai charges. Artillery continued to pound at the enemy bases. Volcronian artillery pieces have destroyed a huge portion of the enemy artillery but more just come to replace them while long-ranged MG fire has cut down thousands of Ironeagle troops but their easily replenish able numbers just made it extremely hard. Suddenly in the sky, a large blue ray could be seen and a Volcronian air-flotilla warped in. Consisting of Bombertrons, Aeontrons and Strafetrons, these aircraft now engaged the enemy airships, which although numerous, were constructed out of less durable materials and started blowing up and coming crashing down. By then, all the fire and smoke has left a large red glow in the sky, even as dusk was approaching, leaving a fiery inferno that would be seen kilometers away. By then, the Pherithians and Harkyuians would have started going low on their ammunition and resources.