Okay, yeah. Title sucks eggs, but who cares about that. In case you were wondering, we have moved this game to the Advanced section for better organization. That being said, Mahz said this was alright (read as: Don't bitch that we are here, silly Advanced people.) [B]The only things allowed in the IC are:[/B] MY POSTS (unless you have special permission from moi.) LYNCH VOTES [B]What goes in the OOC:[/B] Discussion and speculation [B]Some extra information:[/B] 1.) PM me promptly if you have a role that requires you to. (Wolf, etc.) 2.) No revealing your role to anyone. If I find out this is happening, you will not be allowed in any other games I host. 3.) Cause paranoia all you want; however, do not harass other players, annoy the players, or be an ass. 4.) If you are going to be absent for a while, PM me as soon as possible so I can know that in advanced. 5.) Dead players can talk but are not allowed to reveal ANYTHING. [hider=Living Characters] Natty Sera Zed Jster Nargle CapnJordan Bea K-97 Foxxie Nightwing Doivid mbl[/hider] [hider=Dead Characters] Awson - Kicked - Monk Rilla - Kicked - Monk Alpha - Lynched - Monk Drakel - Wolf - Cop Shy - Wolf - Roleblocker Nex - ??? - Doctor[/hider] Do not ask to join. I will deny you. Do not post anywhere in the game if you are not a player.