Finally got my second character finished, so here they both are - hope everyone likes them! I've not had a good look at the character sheets done, but I've loved what I've seen so far! [hider=Tae] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1][color=CORAL](ᵔᴥᵔ)[/color][/h1] [/center] [color=Coral][b][u]||NAME ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Ryu Tae-sung Hollingsworth[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||NICKNAME ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Tae[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||AGE ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]17 [29/06/2000][/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||SEX ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||SEXUALITY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single; unsure of entering into a relationship with College looming, but not writing anything off.[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||FACECLAIM ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Kwak Dong-yeon[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||DIALOGUE COLOUR ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Coral[/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=Coral][b][u]||APPEARANCE ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Reaching a modest height of 5'7", Tae's physique is a bridge between lean and muscular. The sports he takes part in aren't exactly weight-building, but he stays extremely fit and is stronger than his build suggests. Tae's eyes are a lighter brown than his nearly-black hair, which is usually be styled in a variety of ways. Sometimes he grows it out long so it can tied up, other times it's cut a bit shorter, though not a buzzcut. If he can't run a hand through it and lose sight of his fingers, then it's not long enough. In terms of skin, it's naturally pale, though with the hot weather of the many vacations abroad to sunny sites around the world, he's managed to retain a bit of a tan, though with a tendency to burn easily, is careful with the sunblock. He has yet to treat himself to any piercings or tattoos, and his skin is fairly clear of scars barring small ones here and there from an active life. His left collarbone is slightly sunken compared to the other, due to having broken it at a Taekwondo tournament at the age of 13. Taking advantage of his adoptive family's wealth, Tae's style can definitely be described as stylish and expensive. With the first few years of his life being so poor, and the full knowledge of the poverty in his homeland, Tae fully utilises the money he was brought into to, though is sure to respect it. Flaunting wealth is not a trait he admires, nor is it necessary in the neighbourhood he lives in. Everyone is rich. His colours and style vary, though he leans towards dark or neutral tones. Accessories will nearly always include a watch, or woven leather bracelets. [/indent] [center][color=coral]TACTLESS[/color]☆[color=goldenrod]COMPASSIONATE[/color]☆[color=coral]SMOOTH[/color]☆[color=goldenrod]IMPATIENT[/color]☆[color=coral]WILY[/color]☆[color=goldenrod]PRAGMATIC[/color] [/center] [color=Coral][b][u]||PERSONALITY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Whenever speaking to his parents or teachers about his ideal future career, all of them have agreed that he would make an excellent Doctor (Though his Father also clearly has an interest in him taking over the family business, too.). Despite his often cold and efficient way in dealing with people he has no patience for, Tae has plenty of warmth in his heart. An advocate for both sympathy and empathy, Tae tries to consider other people's views as much as he can, though his impatient nature makes this difficult at times. He often comes across as uncaring for people's plights, though more often than not it's due to him deciding their troubles aren't worth his time. Not out of callousness, but logical thinking. Rich kids shouldn't moan about losing or breaking their personal items, nor other problems that can easily be solved. He's not one for "First-World Problems." If the Wi-fi stops working, he'll just grab a book and read instead until it's solved. Favourite item taken off the menu? Just order something else, it's good to try new things. Their local high school football team didn't win the play-offs? Who cares? It's just a game. Despite his fairly straight-laced nature, Tae can still kick back and have some fun. He'll always be down for some kind of adventure, even if it's potentially dangerous, or a prank or practical joke, even if it'll get him into trouble. Though rare for him to come up with such ideas himself, he'll nearly always tag along with others for some fun. Just because he has a serious job in the future doesn't mean to him that he has to be serious all the time. Teenagehood is about having fun, and with the amount of ways he can do so in America, he's not about to let that go to waste. [/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=Coral][b][u]||HABITS, QUIRKS & ODDITIES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Always ends texts, letters, emails or any other kind of message with an emoji. Even professional ones. ☤ Spouts randoms facts/factoids in the middle of conversations because they've suddenly come to mind (People can't always work out the connection though.) ☤ Purposefully gets common western sayings/metaphors incorrect to annoy other people and see if anyone will bother correcting him. ☤ Constantly cracks knuckles ☤ Whistles a lot - can hold a tune, but it's never a song anyone can recognise. ☤ Enjoys giving his friends, family, acquaintances, and even individuals he dislikes, nicknames.[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||HOBBIES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Taekwondo ☤ Horse Riding ☤ Cooking ☤ Watching Disney movies ☤ Reading ☤ Playing online competitive video games ☤ Going out to restaurants/cafes/bistros[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||LIKES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Vanilla Coke ☤ Korean Barbecue ☤ Ghost Stories ☤ Kind-Heartedness ☤ Honesty ☤ Oysters ☤ Horses ☤ Hot showers ☤ Cold swimming pools[/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||DISLIKES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Most alcohol, though he has tried and appreciates his parent's red wine ☤ Smoking ☤ Drugs ☤ Hypocrites ☤ Narcissists ☤ Close-Mindedness ☤ Karaoke ☤ Stereotypical Jocks/Mean Girls ☤ The expectation from his parents for him to take over the family company one day ☤ Goats or Sheep. They're creepy. [/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||SECRETS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Dislikes living in America due to many different reasons, but feels simultaneously guilty in knowing how much it has helped him and many others in his situation. [/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||FEARS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ☤ Large cats. He encountered a bobcat while out camping with his parents one year. Nobody was hurt due to his mother scaring it away quickly, but it has still stayed with him. ☤ A slightly more irrational fear, but being forced back into North Korea by some deportment process by America.[/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=Coral][b][u]||HOMETOWN ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Unknown village in the South Hwangae province of North Korea (Birth to 1 Year old) Seoul (1 Year old to Five Years old) Brooklyn (Five Years old to Present) [/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||HISTORY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]As anyone would be able to tell when looking at the Hollingsworth family, Tae is a little different from his parents. Although he's been a member of the family for 11 and a half years of his life, Tae never forgets his original heritage, or birth family. Born to two poor villagers in the South Hwangae province of North Korea, he was only one year old when they and a group of others defected, aiming to cross into South Korea at the mouth of the Ryesŏng River. Of course, this was all told to him several years later, by his adoptive parents. They had learned his backstory from the orphanage where had had stayed in Seoul, who in turn had heard it from one his parents friends. As is common for stories of defectors, the escape didn't go as planned. Tae's parents perished in the waters, while one of the others took pity on him and helped him to the shore. Being as small as he was, not much strength was required to carry him the rest of the way to safety. By the time the group had reached Seoul, he was left to the state. Until he turned six, that is. A middle-class couple who dwelt in the United States had come to South Korea for a working holiday - they were seeing the sights, but also involving themselves in charities in the hopes of both raising money and awareness, and also providing a positive boost in their image back home. Owning a wine business, Jared and Serena Hollingsworth were always looking for good PR. However, they certainly didn't expect for things to become some personal upon finding Tae. Having toured the capital city after visiting with some potential investors are a charity event, the Hollingsworth couple came across Tae and other orphans as they played in the street. Following them back to the home, Jared and Serena fell in love with the Korean boy. They'd been trying for a child ever since they were married, and after several years of failure, decided they'd take a chance and try to adopt Tae. The process took roughly six months, between arrangements in both South Korea and America, and getting back to his new home. At this age his learning was average for a six-year old, but his new parents were sure to learn Korean themselves while teaching him English, not wanting his culture to just disappear just because they had taken him in. Because of this, Tae became fluently bilingual at a young age, and was only inspired to learn more languages as he grew older. To this day, Tae is thankful for everything they've done. Not just the adoption, but the seamless transition into western life, while still upholding the values of his home country. He has a great love for his home culture, and has hopes one day of returning and improving the lives of children that were just like him. Therefore, now that he is finished with High School, has applied to Medical School to become a Doctor. [/indent] [color=Coral][b][u]||MISCELLANEOUS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Is fluent in English, Korean, and French, the latter thanks to both lessons in High School and his own interests.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Bill] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1][color=#df1167]🤘[/color][/h1] [/center] [color=#df1167][b][u]||NAME ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Belinda Scott[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||NICKNAME ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bill or Billie[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||AGE ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]18 [16/11/1999][/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||SEX ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||SEXUALITY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single as of the past seven months, after being dumped by her girlfriend of one year.[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||FACECLAIM ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Joan Jett[/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||DIALOGUE COLOUR ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent]#df1167[/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=#df1167][b][u]||APPEARANCE ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Bill has always rocked the punk look, ever since she was old enough to start picking out her own outfits and being encouraged by her own old rocker mom. Her hair being an original dark brown has been dyed pitch black, cut into a choppy bob that certainly gives her a "devil-may-care" air. This matched with sharp pencilled eyebrows, brown eyes nearly always lined in kohl, and a series of minor scars littered over her lean, 5'4" frame, Bill fits her archetype well. Her wardrobe only enhances this with typical punk attire. Lots of dark colours, band shirts and merc, and naturally, plenty of leather. Bill also has a fondness for wearing various types of tat, anything from pins to chokers to religious symbols that look cool but have no faithful meaning to her. When looking at her closely, one will be able to see tell-tale signs of tan lines across her wrists, ankles and neck. Make-up usually prevents her face looking too sun-tanned, but nothing can be done about her hands and feet. [/indent] [center][color=#df1167]REBELLIOUS[/color]☆[color=#e884ad]FLIRTATIOUS[/color]☆[color=#df1167]PASSIONATE[/color]☆[color=#e884ad]MERCILESS[/color]☆[color=#df1167]FREE-SPIRITED[/color]☆[color=#e884ad]VIOLENT[/color] [/center] [color=#df1167][b][u]||PERSONALITY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Bill has always been fairly hot-headed, but teenage-hood only enhanced this. She is prone to starting fights with others, or at the very least insisting upon finishing them. An old friend of her mother's in the local police force has led to just warnings and a clean record in the past, but he's warned it's only a matter of time before she really ends up in trouble. Bill understands this, but also has issues in keeping control of her own impulsivity. With her, it's not just the anger. It's lust, longing, and a desire to let loose and be free in her own way. Although not everything involving this is illegal (Not including the booze she puts away), it certainly isn't going to get her anywhere in life. Knowing this has only made Bill more worried... leaving her violent tendencies stronger. When wanting to find some peace however, Bill takes her solace in places many wouldn't have assumed of her. Though she does enjoy thrashing with her amateur rock band, true downtime turns her to gardens and oceans. A love of nature has been a trait independent of her parents, and she shows this by tending to the house garden or visiting the beaches of New York. Though swimming and taking in the scenery is good enough, her true love lies with surfing. Becoming one with the waves is a sure fire way of forgetting her own strife. [/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=#df1167][b][u]||HABITS, QUIRKS & ODDITIES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ Tapping out a beat on a surface when listening to a song, or just thinking of one in her head. ✇ Jamming out ditties while playing around with her guitar ✇ Using physical contact with those she likes or wants to know a bit better; can be as little as brushing past them as she walks by. ✇ Keeping up a badass, don't care persona. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||HOBBIES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ Surfing ✇ Playing the guitar, either solo or in her band ✇ Singing ✇ Gardening ✇ Cruising on her motorcycle ✇ Watching kids cartoons for the nostalgia [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||LIKES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ The Ocean ✇ Yelling or just being generally loud ✇ Annoying people she doesn't like ✇ Annoying people she does like ✇ Deep discussions ✇ K-Pop (A dark secret, just for her reputation) ✇ Human contact, be it a touch or a hug ✇ Pie - particularly sweet types. ✇ Fighting. Even better if both parties get hurt. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||DISLIKES ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ Heights ✇ Snakes ✇ Stereotypes (Even though she is a walking one) ✇ Fish, barring some shellfish. ✇ Being punished by an authority figure. Can be linked back to some form of self-loathing, but she prefers to blame it on a love of anarchy than self-introspect. ✇ Religion. Cool for an aesthetic, but not as an organisation. ✇ Being stuck somewhere where she can't be free. As a child this was groundings and detentions. As she get's older, she's beginning to worry about jail sentences. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||SECRETS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ Once stole a bottle of her mom's gin, drank two thirds of it, and filled the rest with water. By the time her Mom got round to drinking it, she was too drunk to tell the difference. ✇ After drinking said two thirds of her Mom's gin, Bill threw up on the living room carpet and blamed it on the dog. ✇ Enjoys K-Pop. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||FEARS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] ✇ Falling a great height ✇ Wiping out in the surf and never being recovered. ✇ Dying without a legacy [/indent] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=#df1167][b][u]||HOMETOWN ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Spent all of her life in Brooklyn, but was technically born in Nice, France. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||HISTORY ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Born to a up and coming French businessman and his rocker girlfriend, Bill's home life was destined to be broken from the start. Mom was still heavily invested in the Roadie life despite getting on a bit, and Dad was rising in the ranks of his company. It didn't take long for the pair to move to America for their own desires, and Bill was paired off with the one who could spend the most time with her. Unfortunately that meant her Mom, and also quite a few years on the road as a toddler before she had to start school. It was at this point her father, now fairly established and well-off, purchased a home in Brooklyn for the pair so that he could be closer to his daughter... and make sure she actually got an education. A good plan, in theory, but literal closeness did not mean he spent much more time with Bill. Though her Mom did settle down and have her enrol at school, the parenting was lax, which meant for a destructive and free-willed childhood. By the age of 8 she was already being argumentative in school, not understanding why she couldn't listen to music and just skip off to the seaside like she normally did at home. In fact, things became worse as she received a cell phone. All it would take was a text to her mother for her to arrive at the school under the guise of a "doctor's appointment" and the pair would laugh all the way home, ready for a rocking session. After several "appointments", truancy officers quickly paid Bill's mother a visit. Bill's days out ended, but this also prompted her Dad to become less vacant in her life. For a while, her home life settled down with some much needed guidance from a parent. As she entered high school, Bill had a reputation for being a bad girl. Paired with her punk rocker guise, a home-made band and a known knack for fighting and flirting with anyone, she'd settled into an identity she was quite pleased with. Mostly, anyway. There were softer parts to her personality that most didn't know about, but she was quite content to let the world see her as the fiery-tempered bitch she came across as. At least, until this last year. With her future looming before her, Bill has been extremely unsure of herself and what to do. Not wanting to be without options, she's actually been trying in school to get her GPA up. This, paired with the stress of being dumped by her Girlfriend, has led to a slight - but quiet - identity crisis. [/indent] [color=#df1167][b][u]||MISCELLANEOUS ||[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Learnt French from her native dad, which pisses off her Mom to no end. [/indent] [/hider] [@Silence Sounds]