[Center][color=f49ac2][h2][b]Millie[/b][/h2][/color][/center] She huffed at his reaction to the rock. [color=f49ac2][b]“I be a healer, not a fighter sonny. It ain’t sumthin’ in my blood to be doin’ these sorts o’ deeds.”[/b][/color] She glowered at the man, crossed her arms beneath her bosom again and clicked her tongue in her mouth. He began speaking nonsense about intelligible beings or some shit and she clicked her tongue again. Only to find that his hands wrapped nicely about her hips and grasped the full of her in a way she never though imaginable. A mean blush spread over her cheeks as she reached for the wall. Millie nearly shouted but caught herself. In a hushed hiss, she said, [color=f49ac2][b]“Oi, who do you think you are? What right gives you with the touchin’?”[/b] [/color] Kitty snarled as quietly as he could and bared his teeth at the man. His hair stood on end and a mean glint entered his eyes. He was ready to rip the giant to shreds for putting his hands on the most important person in his life. [color=f49ac2][b]“Stop yer hollerin beastie. You stay here with this coont.”[/b][/color] Kitty closed his lips and sat back. [color=f7976a][i]“Touch my mistress again, without permission, and I will have your family jewels and staff for supper.” [/i][/color] The tiger licked his lips but settled back calmly. His eyes turned to the woman he had come to adore. He watched the way the weirdo manhandled her and his tail twitched in agitation. He wanted to, and quite rightly, show this man his intestines and then shit in his open wound. But Kitty would never disobey a direct order. Then Turkey made the comment about her weight and she about lost it. She kicked backward with one of her legs in the hopes of hitting him in the chin, but he easily caught it and used it to booster her higher. [color=f49ac2][b]“Fookin’ monster is what ye be. Didn’t yer mother teach ye nothin’? And don’t be takin’ this chance for self-pleasure, lookin’ up a lass’ skirt. You keep yer eyes to yer own.”[/b][/color] She grumbled and grumped the whole way up until her hands touched the roof and she, with difficulty, pulled herself up. With an acute lack of grace, she rolled onto the roof and made it to her hands and knees. She huffed and puffed, gasping for air. As she sat up she found people glaring at each other, glaring at her, and some sort of strange ice blades pointed in her direction. She began to stand slowly and watched as they bickered amongst themselves and ignored the ‘threat’. Roight fekkin’ fools they were. She huffed loudly but did not move. She waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some fekkin’ more while the idiots argued amongst themselves. The someone gave a grandiose speech, full of words and pomp. And while she could appreciate such diction, now was certainly not the time. With a glare she said, [color=f49ac2][b]“Oi now! Quit all yer fussin. Obviously, I ain’t cracked in the egg and ain’t wearin’ no fancy culty suit. In fact, if any of ye had half a brain ye’d have recognized healer garb. So what be yer reason for pointin’ weapons at me? Y’all stand here agruin’ and ain’t even asked me name or purpose. Just assumin’ shite while I be standin’. If I be a true threat, y’all would be dead, dead, dead. If ya had any sense like yer mothers taught ya, you would be outta here long before. And realized that some fekin’ agent o’ Chaos brought us all together. We got one more in our group down below. Get him a safe place and let’s get outta here before we are all roight fekked in the brainpan.”[/b][/color] She scowled at them all, dropped her hands to her hips and said, [color=f49ac2][b]“Well? We all gonna act like this be some great god forsaken surprise or are we gonna be safe. Speechy, make a ladder or some shite and get our last ally along.” [/b][/color] Millie, having had quite enough, moved toward ,the group. Her scantily clad body held no weapons and she herself was rather non-threatening. Just a an angry caste over her face. And a deep desire to get this party finally moving. Obviously Speechy wasn’t getting it done. [hider=Interactions] [@Fetzen] and, well, everyone else. [@13org][@Elevation][@Pezz570][@HokumPocus][@SonofJET] [/hider]