"Oh it's err... just doing me job?" The Confessor said, a moment of empathy with the man felt in his heart in the instance. It was such moments that affirmed his faith, but he could not now turn soft. He spoke true, it was merely his duty done and there would be no reward for it but more duty in His service. But, what more could a man ask for than the satisfaction of duty done? These musings trailed on as he walked, until at last he shook them out of his head. The mutants lead on, and he followed awaiting the arrival of the Emperor's foes. That was all that should be to mind. [hr] Time passed, and Horacio would not hesitate to admit that he was growing restless. He almost began to sing once more, until quite suddenly something hissed by the Confessor's ear. He barely had time to wrinkle his nose at the flash of his refractor shield and an apprent ricochet, when the Sister hit the ground. Big lass that she was, it made the thud [url=https://youtu.be/1u_8Qg1npAM?t=41]resonate in his mind all the louder.[/url] Caroline was dead, he was not. Horacio looked down at his right hand, squeezing it into a tight fist before swiftly releasing it. "It wasn't even martyrdom... she died 'cos I was there, I didn't fan out properly, not to save me." The ringing in his head got louder, and quickly his hand fell to his bolt-pistol. Not an Astartes model, it was even lower calibre than that which the Sisters would use for he lacked power armour to compensate the recoil, but it was still a great big explosive warhead flying faster than sound. He drew it, and pointed it in the general direction of the foe whilst stepping carelessly out of cover. Whatever tactical decisions the Sisters were taking flew right over his head as he calmly strode towards the bastard firing of his bolt-pistol one shot after the other, stepping closer to the enemy all the while he did so. He kept pulling the trigger long after the distinctive click of an empty magazine, but by then it didn't matter much for he had his power-maul out and was now running.