[@Prima Luce] [@Dartbored Fairy] Kaldalis hears the first set of knocks on his door. He walks over to his desk and slips his helmet back on, eyeing the cat as he does so. He notices its sudden change in behaviour as it hears the knocks, feeling suspicious about who might be knocking. Hearing the second set of knocks, now louder, he walks towards the door, attempting to open it. Before he could reach it however, the third set of knocks could be heard, which rattles the door, breaks the bathroom mirror and breaks his window. Kaldalis steps back, unsheathing his sword and preparing himself for combat. The cat also suddenly purrs at an incredibly loud volume, further unnerving him. As he carefully steps towards the door to open it, he notices the blood seeping from under the doorway. He reaches his hand out, grasping the handle before pulling it open, ready to face whatever was waiting for him on the other side.