The 20 seconds is enough for you to position yourselves, ready up for what your characters are about to do ...that is, unless they are quick enough to comprehend the situation and act already. This is just so it gives you a chance to react to the culmination of your choices and isn't too sudden. Eitherway, I will post more open path choices once your quick posts are up! :). When this is all over, provided you survive, I will list the choices you could have made and the ensuing possibilities that are different from now. [quote=@Cyrania] [@Spiritzer] Alright, I finished the post. It's kind of funny how one never considers whether one can boil water without fire until there comes a situation when fire wouldn't be recommended and you need to boil water. [/quote] just cooked your waterskin too! It's cured animal hide it's uncured and gonna soak some year long proteinatious goodness into every sip of it. I'm thinking any attempt at alchemy would have to wait till later, it would take too long (more than the time given, by a far mile) but I wasn't going to stop you OOCily from doing it. Still, it shows her mindset at troubleshooting things and I can relish that. The rain isn't magical, at least, as far as she knows. [hr] Btw, let me know if Therian meant anything to your character. He would have been the one who knighted him. IF he is a proper knight in the first place. [@Spiffy]