Ariel leaned her elbows on the table and held her wine cup in both hands. She smiled and looked over the divider to the sitting area, where the children had set up for dinner. They were very well behaved now that they were eating. "There were many things I did not anticipate," Ariel said. "The first being that I could even bear Rukee's children. That was a relief as much as a surprise when we tried. Also, there were some other things I did anticipate and worry about which turned out to not to be impossible problems. Education, disease, and friendship groups, those details. In whole, the outcome was largely unexpected. But when I held Danee in my arms for the first time and looked her in her little face, I realised I had made the right decision." She turned back to Meesei. "I've never quite felt so responsible for anything before. I love my daughters. No challenges since have made me question that or my decision." Ariel let the nice moment float for a second. She then smirked and her eyes went to Rukeewei. "Still, I think we took for granted how easily we could get a good night's sleep before the girls arrived. Isn't that right?" [hr] Teroiah looked down at the sigil stone. She was clearly uncomfortable, even as she tried to hide it. "If we avoid where they fight, stay out of their way, the Daedra may be useful." Gro-Tagnud raised an eyebrow. "You're going to have to humour me, but with what you said about your Daedric Prince taking power if we use this, it gets me thinking. Is it going to be possible that another three or so military leaders are going to meet like this in the near future discussing what to do about [i]Molag Bal[/i]?"