[right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝕋hrough 𝕋he 𝔾ates[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] Each one moved passed the gate, save for two of the ones that could be assumed to be men. One of course had been at least verbally trying to assist the one that passed out at the gate. The other hadn't moved forward yet. "I ain't got all day, in or time to leave," Cas said in a firm voice as he looked at the two in turn. It was time to move if one hadn't already handed over their invitation. Leo looked at Dr. Swamp and fanned out a free hand. The other the invitations were held in. Placing his fingers to his lips he gave a short loud whistle. Half a heart beat later one could hear rustling in the woods directly to the left and to the right on the inside of the gate. A brief moment later the shrubbery just at the inner side of the gate was moved out of the way. One could see further into the forest and a path that ran along the fence. From each side more men started to walk forward. Males varying in height, weight, and age greatly. The youngest couldn't have even struck puberty yet and barely came up to Leos chest as he walked past. They moved towards the horses and the carriages that were remaining behind and started tending them. A eerie sound sprung up further inside the gate, down the path that lead into the property. It was like metal rolling over metal, varying and yet constant. There was another noise that accompanied it. Like gear works and fire and steam fighting one another. Puffs of smoke started floating above the tree line into the darkening sky. Two lights seemed like floating orbs moving towards them. They grew in size making it difficult to see what was coming towards them. The men of Shadowell seemed unaffected by this, just watching the guests. Slowly [url=https://www.cgsociety.org/cgsarchive/newgallerycrits/g70/7470/7470_1237157199_large.jpg]it[/url] came into view. Seated in the contraption was an attractive young man with green eyes and long bronze hair. He was dressed differently than the others. A dark crimson suit that was edged in black fitted over his tall form. Behind the contraption was a line of fifteen [url=https://image.ibb.co/dcRkhp/conveyancechair.jpg]chairs[/url]. This was something the likes of which did not exist on this level outside of Shadowell. As he reached the group the machine came to a halt the metal shrieked on the tracks. He stood and motioned towards the chairs. "Hey, I'm Owen, this be Shadowell, and yous can have a seat, I'll take you to the manor."