[center][h2][color=ed145b]Tomoe Kishitmoto[/color][/h2] [img]https://imgur.com/12YuVWJ.png[/img] [color=f49ac2][u][i]Location[/i][/u][/color] [b]School field[/b] [@Silver Carrot][@Conscripts][/center] Hitomi and Tomoe both agreed that there could be nothing about the Komei collective right now, if it was at a later stage and when there would be more evidence they could do a lot more. The two of them would be going back to their dorm room right now to chill out a little from this hectic day. Tomoe could not even keep her own balance anymore that is how tired she was. Hitomi was kind enough to keep Tomoe upright though so Tomoe wanted to stay awake for a while longer in order not to be a bother to Hitomi by letting her do all the work. On their way back Acion had decided to drop on by from the air dropping right in front of the two. While Hitomi was deeply blushing from the mere sight of the boy Tomoe was pleasingly smiling at the winged boy as she muttered to herself. [center][color=ed145b]"Blonde hair, so nice, hehe."[/color][/center] When she was satisfied with feasting her eyes she glanced over at Hitomi as she was still blushing quite badly. Tomoe gave another pleased look as she muttered once more to herself about Hitomi this time. [center][color=ed145b]"So cute."[/color][/center] Tomoe decided to help a little as Hitomi should get her act together for the best. Tomoe sneakingly pinched the butt of Hitomi and cheekily sneered at the sheep as she whispered to her. [center][color=ed145b]"You're staring too much Hi-chan."[/color][/center] They were cute together though. Hitomi explained Acion what the Komei collective was about as Tomoe kept nodding at each line she said to confirm it was indeed true what she was telling. [center][color=ed145b]"And Hitomi won the cat collecting challenge! She was amazing A-chan you should have seen her gather the cats with her hair. Wait I made pictures as well."[/color][/center] Tomoe pulled up her fold-phone from under her shirt and browsed through it for a short time before turning it towards Acion to show him a picture of Hitomi with at-least two cats tugging at her hair while she was helplessly on the ground taken from quite a lower angle. Off course Tomoe could only take quite the dirty shots with this personality. Even Tomoe started blushing somewhat when she had seen the picture again.