Upon reaching a bustling marketplace, an intricately-decorated merchant caravan slowed to a stop with a little jerk at the end, jolting Mina awake. The Drizarian spy had managed to sneak onto the carriage when it had stopped for a rest on the way to Woodgrove. The vehicle had been transporting silks into the kingdom, and Mina had found herself buried under the luxurious fabric, which she had thought convenient, as she had taken her ride into Woodgrove. She had not expected to fall asleep, but the cargo had proven to be more... comfortable, than she had thought. It was only fortunate that she had awoken on time to avoid getting caught. She could hear the footsteps and chatter of passing crowds through the walls of the carriage, and quietly slipped out through the back doors before anyone got to them. There were too many people in the area for anyone to suspect that she did not belong within the walls of the kingdom. She began to look around, hoping for an opportunity to start her search for information. However, she knew that she would probably only make significant progress when night fell, for that would be when the ones who were more likely to take a bribe would be active.