[hr][hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/34c97a6bd64b3eaa7404674054bd893f/tumblr_pdprxg56eH1uxdk28o3_r2_400.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] HORUS rolls his eyes. He wants to fight, he [i]told[/i] them to hit him. He clearly doesn’t have any magic to deflect their blows and he’s been finishing them off effectively enough to be seen as a threat. But it seems like their grudges lay deeper than HORUS can even begin to comprehend. He does know, however, that these guys picked the wrong bunch of pointy eared bastards to fight. He snarls at the man taking a run for it, knowing that chasing after him wouldn’t do either of them much good anyway. Currently standing over the man called Achillis, HORUS strides over him again in an uncaring manner to stand over their other fallen comrade, Hercules. [abbr=Reckless Attack]Recklessly face to face with Nyke[/abbr], HORUS shakes his braids over one shoulder and [abbr=Roll to Hit: 17 + 5 = 22]raises his hand axe again to hit him with the butt of it.[/abbr] “Leave them alone, asshole!” HORUS yells to punctuate the statement of his strike, the anger set deep within him building up furth as he sees [abbr= Damage: 9]Nyke is somewhat hurt, but mostly unaffected.[/abbr] Perhaps he looks more frightened than earlier, but that is not enough to satisfy HORUS. His soul is vibrating with an energy that feels natural to him, [abbr=Ancestral Protectors]almost giving him a sense of safety[/abbr].