[color=9e0b0f][h1][center]Nina[/center][/h1][/color] [hr] [sup][@Hekazu][/sup] [hr] [color=9e0b0f]"Hey! No need to be so impatient!"[/color] Nina said, sighing as she heard Ribby and Croak's harsh words. It wasn't surprising they wanted to go right to the point, but Nina just wanted to test the waters a bit. Not only she wanted to know what exactly did they knew, but it was also a way to tell them that she wasn't simply a mindless information seller, but she knew how exactly the situation was. It was a little... trick... she learned with some other information brokers as a way to secure possible clients. After all, information coming from people who knew how the situation was in the area and wasn't merely 'memorizing words' and selling that, was much more safer and reliable. [color=9e0b0f]"Don't think this is all I know. I know that what I said now isn't exactly... secret. I just thought you guys would find that getting info from someone that knows what is happening around these parts and know the situation that is happening is more way more reliable than if you were talking with someone who just 'happened to hear someone talking about it', don't you guys agree?"[/color] Nina asked, with a mischievous smirk. [color=9e0b0f]"Well... that and it may help you guys to see the benefits in working with me... A loyal clientele is always welcome, you know?"[/color] Nina said, with a smile. The hollow sound plastic as Croak tapped his fingers on his gun was also a reminder that Nina was completely unarmed apart of her knife and wasn't wearing any equipment, but that fact didn't faze her. Nina still believed that negotiation would go perfectly well. [color=9e0b0f] "To the interesting part then, shall we? Does the name 'Murkywater Security' ring a bell for you guys?"[/color] Nina asked, with a mischievous smirk as she leaned on the table. [color=9e0b0f]"Those who knew Lt. Davison often said that he was a very greedy man. It's not a secret that he pretty much sold equipment to gangs on opposite ends of a conflict without even hesitating..."[/color] Nina said, carefully watching both men's reactions. [color=9e0b0f]"Until there, everything is ok, right? Well... What if I said to you guys that a few months before Lt. Davison disappeared, he met up with some guys who [I]definitely[/I] weren't from any gangs around here? Not once or twice too... but quite a few times to be honest..."[/color] Nina continued, still watching their movements. Nina knew very well that they were armed and the fact that they were tapping their guns while talking with her was a clear warning that they wouldn't hesitate in using their guns if she proved to be useless to them. [color=9e0b0f]"From what I've been able to gather... Whoever these guys were, Lt. Davison's dealing with them made the guys at Murkywater Security pretty irritated... Him selling things to gangs & etc. wasn't something that had anything to do with Murkywater, but the second he started to speak with these other guys, it suddenly became their business."[/color] Nina continued. [color=9e0b0f]"Call it female intuition, but I think that these guys at the Murkywater Security are more than what they appear to be... Mostly always, my intuition is spot on, but it's still, just a hunch..."[/color] Nina said, resting her head on her hands, leaning over the table. [color=9e0b0f]"About the guy in trench coat... I'm not sure if that's your man, but I've heard some rumors about a corporate solo with dark skin, trench coat and a beanie hat... Not sure if that's really him but I wouldn't be surprised if this guy had something to do with Murkywater too or maybe another corp."[/color] Nina completed with a mischievous smile as she looked at both men. [color=9e0b0f]"If things are as I'm theorizing... It wouldn't be surprising if there were other corporations involved in this behind the shadows... Maybe other corps who themselves don't like Murkywater that much? Maybe rival corps..."[/color] Nina completed. [color=9e0b0f]"For now, that's all I have. But I could search around some more if you guys agree to form a... temporary partnership..."[/color] Nina said with a wink and a discreet laugh. [color=9e0b0f]"So... Was that info good enough for you guys?"[/color] Nina asked, looking to both men.