[quote=@NecroKnight] [@Product] So great host. When we starting? [/quote] Good question. I thought this RP was dead in the water, so I haven't been putting much thought into it. I've never done a nation RP before, so I need to work out what sort of mechanics there will be. Does everyone want stats? I should also do a role call to see who's all still interested. Haha. [quote=@Willy Vereb] [@Bright_Ops]Oh, forgot this is post Third War. Albeit this raises the question of exactly when. Frozzen Throne era? Because technically the Third War concludes in Archimonde's death. Basically at this stage the fighting is far from over and the Scourge dominates most of Lordaeon. I feel that scenario wouldn't make a good nation game environment, either. But again, [@Product] said we have AU setting with relatively custom nations. So whatever chaotic times we'd canonically be in, it can be sorted out. [/quote] I was going for a mid TfT start. After Arthas' exodus to Northrand, right before the Dreadlords ask Sylvanas to join them and Garithos is enslaved by Detheroc.