[@Hokum][@Quote5] Given with a few moments of thought, the Commander was figuring the motives of The Kradam's conflicts on unknowingly, Otomigus Empire in the sector of the Formicidae occupation. [quote=@.commander] This is going to be a little complicated for us to decide an intervention without a strong Casus Belli, Kradams. Hence I'll explain a little mind of thoughts before we're intervening of said war. First off, whom are the biological species of the Otomigus Empire? Secondly, how largely, technological and strength is the Otomigus forces? Third, what lies at the Formicidae sector that you're highly fond of it? And lastly, once the Otomigus Empire are cleared from the Formicidae occupation and sworn under your control, the MASGC would wanting to extend the demand for having a single, livable planet for ourselves to live on. If you chose to agree this demand, then I will take a second considering for the participation against the Otomigus Empire. [/quote] After notifying the biological scanning of similarities made by the Kradams as not too far from MASGC Space HQ. The Commander was given a short explanation about the remnants escaped from the Hany's Ribbon destruction. [quote=@.commander] Hmm.. That must've been a sentient ship named Ernest with a small number of my population on board, escaped from the anomaly impact by the name, Hany's Ribbon. I better not to explain too much, and knowing to my information, I'm certainly that Ernest whom helped a small numbers of my people out from planet Iceolia destruction is very clueless on how it handle foreign interventions and probably mistaken from your aggressively nature as being hostile. If that happened already, then I'm forgiving the unnecessary intrusion of your spacecrafts, and pitifully, I do not have any control over a sentient dumb ship at that point. In the meantime, my ship are still under maintenance and hadn't ready for dispersing observers just yet. If you're encountering Ernest again at some point, then rely its transmission and explain that the MASGC was on your side. [/quote] =========================================================================== At Ernest Ship. The MASGC Iceolians are glad for the space fight was over, but the substances for food and drinks are almost started to dry up in Ernest's Cargo and so forth losing their mentality to stand in order.