[quote=@MacabreFox] Categories: 1. Comedy: [b]Fireside Chat Mk 2[/b], Calen's quips by [@Spoopy Scary]. That character cracks me up in general. 2. Action: [b]Elenglynn[/b], particularly Jaraleet and Daro'Vasora vs the Dwemer mechanized suits, by [@Mortarion] and [@Dervish]. 3. Dialogue: [b]Riverside Conversation[/b] between Mortalmo and Judena, by [@BurningCold] and [@DearTrickster]; Mortalmo brilliantly alternates between terrifying and sympathetic and Judena's naivity exemplifies her character perfectly. 4. Character Development: [b]Moonpath[/b], Daro'Vasora, by [@Dervish]. No question. 5. Character Relationship: [b]Sin & Sanctity[/b], Gregor Sibassius and Raelynn Hawkford, by myself and [@Stormflyx]. Yes, I'm nominating myself. Don't even @ me bro.[/quote] I haven't been in this RP for very long and I didn't go back to read all the older posts so my sample size is a little smaller. That said, there was still plenty of good writing to choose from so I regret nothing. I'm at work so I can't spend too much time on this now but I'll add the links later.