Before this topic gets closed because this debate tends to draw a rather... volatile clash of opinions... going to throw in my two cents. There are a lot of reasons and they vary for everyone. This can include but is not limited to..[list][*] Wanting faster posting than what is normally done in Advanced. [*] Drawing a larger crowd. [*] Not enough confidence in ones own writing. [*] A bad experience dealing with Advanced Rpers. [*] Teaching. [*] Where they are used to writing. [*] Rp started more casual and progressed over time. [*] Where their friends feel comfortable. [/list] For me, it is a complicated issue but I tend to house a vast majority of mine there because I put a lot of teaching and mentoring into my Rps on top of the complexity of them. To me part of a Gm's job is to teach, so I do that. In casual I do that much more than in Advanced. Rpers tend to be more open to learning I have found in Casual than Advanced. That is just me personally.