[@Hokum] [i]-It was a half hour before Dino recieved a reply from Donny. It too was from a secure channel. Nothing indicated that Donny had used the transect they knew he had to go anywhere else, though they knew not of the second one. Dino might have gotten word of a disturbance in the sector shortly before recieving the video. Donny was in a girl's restroom. He must have got her when she came in unawares. Sharp grunts of effort from Donny. Heavy muted thuds. The female's shirt had a few red stains. She had her arms drawn in and eyes swollen shut, obviously delirious and only half conscious, tethered only to reality by pain. Her mouth was a bloody excavation pit and her nose pancaked to one side. She was slumped on a toilet. Her screams of animal pain were breathless to the point of sounding like wheezing, gutteral moans and groans. More heavy thuds. He was pounding her with his weighted fists like she was raw meat, working the body to kill her noise. Donny had first learned how to work someone over during a visit to Texas. It had been an educational experience, seeing a cartel at work. Beating a body with your own two hands is an effective way to break someone's will. Torture doesn't have to be fancy. It should be basic, primal. He paused two minutes into the beating and withdrew a black metal cylinder with an odd knob from his coat. It extended and locked into place. Her arms jutted out stiff and her body arched as he struck her in the jaw with the club. That meant brain damage. She slid to the floor like a board and made no more sounds. He began stamping his heel into her torso. Someone banged the bathroom door open and the video ended as Donny presumably escaped to somewhere else. Shortly after the video arrived, so did a text message.-[/i] [b]"Big boys don't play games. Teleport down to the planet fully nude, alone, and unarmed in twenty minutes, then notify me unless you want to see what a flaying is from the perspective of a little one. You can see your own lungs and heart moving when it's done right. Once you've arrived, enter the station where we first met. You'll lie on your face and a man will arrive soon to shoot you where you lay. There is to be no delay, no exception, no second warning. Nobody else needs to be hurt, but that's your decision now." [/b]