[img]https://i.imgur.com/fl5E36F.png[/img] [@KillamriX88][@Bartimaeus][@Crowvette][@Hammerman][@rawkhawk64] [hr] "Stay closer to me this time, Rurik." Bak said, glancing over her shoulder. "Brutus will try to zap me with lightning. We must blow him up before this happens. Also, will keep you from getting one more nasty bruise." She tapped the side pf her face, the same spot where he'd gotten decked last match, and grimaced. He'd gotten to far afield, and she hadn't been fast enough to intercept it. She'd gotten a fair share of attacks thrown at her but none of them stung as much as that one. "Neither I or Christine want that, do we?" As she turned to Christine she started to lean back as far as she safely could. "Christine..." Bak started, her eyes darting down for a half-second before springing back up to the girls mentionable parts. Christine was a pervert, pure and simple. A pervert showing off her [i]perfect[/i] legs and thighs and...just everything without a care in the world in a stadium full of people. It was a level of unconcerned bravery that Bak would never admit she both resented and admired and like it or not it afforded them certain tactical advantages over the other, less admirable, perverts that dotted the other teams. "Be careful, there is girl on other team. She may be harder to get by than boys." Bak did her best to aim her guns over the top of the far wall. "I will soften them for you!" With several loud bursts and the whiff of gunpowder Bak fired her canons. The shells traveled in wide arcs like old artillery, flying over the top of the far wall and falling to earth at the approximate location of the Vigilantes on the far side of the field.