[hider=Are You Ready to Rock] Name: Jeremiah Frain Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/f/f4/Adachi_Tohru.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180312030706[/img] Personality: Jeremiah is very much a keen learner. Always trying his best to get involved with as much as he can and really get himself through different walks of life. Being almost stupidly fearless in some cases, having on multiple times done things that in hindsight could've ended horrifically. Trying his best, Jeremiah can be found trying to please as much people that he admires as much as he can, always offering his services to those that can't usually afford such fine craftsmanship and this leads him to be quite the naive fellow at some points. For all his flaws, Jeremiah makes up for it with his innate love for his golems above all else. Putting his life into creating them, he ahs faced many set backs that have caused him to have a slight hatred for those that don't appreciate the finest parts of magecraft. Hence his slight hatred for the mages association. A misguided fool, Jeremiah does what he believes to be good for everyone but in the end all he cares about is perfecting his craft and making some new friends. He's all smiles and joy until his golems are insulted, at what point he becomes volatile and devious. Skills: Jeremiah is an adept conversationalist and persuader, always using a silver tongue to try and lie his way out of unfortunate situations and convince others to help him. Going well with his crafting, he possesses a rare skill of being able to recognise how precious most resources are and does well to preserve anything he deems worthy of polishing and using. He's a keen marksman but still not the best, only using guns like a pistol or revolver, nothing stupendous for a grail war of this magnitude. He's also a good tailor but that's unrelated. Abilities: Jeremiah's magecraft is reliant on one area, and that is golem crafting. He has experimented in some scrying and illusionary, which he can perform to a certain extent, but when it comes to golem crafting he carries the entire Frain heritage of their golem making. He can produce golems of impressive stature and plenty of upgrades with a lot of development time and research, with the right materials able to make them have slight sentience and carry heavy armour and improvised weaponry atop them. He keeps a couple specialised golems around to keep him company, often producing more weaker and flimsier models to do the dirty work. All his creations contain wraiths that he binds to the creations, having to collect as much wraiths as he can to be able to have a full golem army roaming about. Brief Backstory: Born into a declining family, Jeremiah brought with him impressive magical circuits for the Frain family. Quickly bringing him up with the prospects of success given to him with a silver spoon, he began delving into the craft of golems from such a young age. Experiencing more relationships with golems than his family due to their absent nature always off on trips, he began to respect them as people, people he could upgrade and improve and even create life for these stone and steel beauties. Having grown old enoguh to make a name for himself, he moved out and began to delve further into the study of perfecting his creations, always putting more and more thought into what materials could make them even more impressive than they were before. He moved around, around this time meeting the Ainsworths and other families that were interested in his arts. During this time, some families that wanted him to work for them yet he refused began to try to make him work for them by forth. In retaliation to this, Jeremiah began to realise that they did not treasure the beauty of golems and began to train himself in a more offensive manner, training with guns and some offensive magic to defend himself. After a few ventures, he finally agreed to the Ainsworth's offer, travelling out to fight for their side, alongside his magnificent creations. Faction: Black Team/Ainsworths [/hider]