I think by lists she just means for example, does not need coding fancy or so, just a more easy to read format than a sentence layout in places. just breaking the info into structure that's easier to absorb. [@StreetViper] Also from a personal point, add a few more line breaks, it il help as the sections seem to run into each other, and super easy way to modify it with little time or effort. Course i may be wrong, but im sure ALm would tell me when she online :) b]Likes[/b]: [b]+[/b]Caffeine [b]+[/b]Reading [b]+[/b]Conspiracy Theories [b]+[/b]Working-Out [b]+[/b]Talk Radio [b]+[/b]Cars/Trucks/Vehicles/etc. [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]-[/b]Seafood [b]-[/b]Sports [b]-[/b]Cold Weather [b]-[/b]Bad Grammar [b]-[/b]Authority [b]-[/b]Disorganization