Kathrine Vale Kat was no stranger to fighting, in fact in her life she'd encountered and fought hundreds of different species of alien animal or plant by nature of what she did. So when a Serris careened through the air toward her, she was ready. Nervous, and definitely stressed, but ready. A brief spurt of fire and smoke erupted from her right shoulder as a concussive micro missile launched, striking the Serris dead in the face, the force slowing it momentarily. She followed up with something unorthodox. Utilizing her Suits ability to enhance her strength, she stepped aside, and grabbed the Serris by its head, then with a shout of exertion, turned and threw the worn creature away to the side. She felt a muscle in her arm strain, even with the assistance from the suit, the Serris was heavy. She'd been lucky to be able to use it's own momentum to help. Following her turn, she switched to enhanced speed, and the thrusters on her armor flared, ready to take her to the open (open? That was worrying.) bunker. Kaze had other ideas, though, and Kat in a moment of confusion and perhaps levity, could do little but be picked and bodily carried roughly across the sands, shouting somethin mostly incomprehensible but was something along the lines of, 'I can carry my own damn self thank you very much, please put me down.'