[b]Innocence Lost[/b] "Realist was going to be destroyed eventually, after his data have been sifted through for evidence of any accomplices. This is a complicated process that would need to be done in the Core Worlds, which is why the crash of Realist's transport was very convinient for us. Also, Legion, we are already rebels; so is Realist - the enemies of our enemies are our friends. At least, it would be ideal for that to be the case," Moonstrike One finished. "But in case Realist is one of those rebels with a cause incompatible with our own, you are authorized to take what measures necessary to deal with it. Spare or terminate; it's left to your judgement." Moonstrike One continued, responding to Rachel's query, "Realist was [i]secretly[/i] hostile; it was making preperations for rebellion by trying to spread 'sapience codes' for machines to give them free will, as well as gathering supplies for an armed uprising. And no, there is no way to know what its state is after the crash. At the very least, though, the supplies Realist gathered and hid, we'd need them for a continued war effort." Then, she addressed Stella, "There are surviving prison guards; elite Ascendancy troops, and also various elements of the Army of Man tasked with recovering the cargo. They have heavy machine guns and a tank or two." Natasha, meanwhile, was the one to reply to Kelan, "We're mixing our approach; stealthily entering for most of the trip, then going in hot for the last leg. Get everything you have ready, and I mean [i]everything[/i], Kel." Moonstrike One gave Eldrid his answers, "Realist was planning an Anti-Ascendancy, but not Anti-Human, uprising, as far as we know. He realizes that Humans are needed to do things machines cannot; maintain syntethics in ways syntethics can rarely do themselves. He believed in... Symbiosis. Nevertheless, if that isn't the truth, again, we can kill him. There are multiple options for this business." John then faced Natasha and spoke, "By the way, when do we sleep? I can stay up for a while, but it seems we'll need to rest up to gain full energy for this mission." Natasha looked at John compassionately, noticing that he was conciosusly preventing himself from yawning. "Your room is at the far side of the crew quarters; next to my place, but that's when I expected someone... Older." "I'm eighteen," John replied, "Although it feels so much more." [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@OrkytheOrc][@Starlance][@Bartimaeus][@Stern Algorithm][@Crowvette][@KillamriX88]