[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] Ah... this beverage... in only a few sips, a sensation of dull warmth had filled the small, white-haired girl's body. Really, it was likely someone looking at her would think she was too young to be drinking alcohol by at least a few years, but the fact was she was quite a bit older then she looked. Youmu was half-phantom, after all. Her mind somewhat less focused, the short found her eyes drifting briefly to her mistress. Ah... Yuyuko-sama was so pretty, really... and gifted in terms of her body, too... After a moment, Youmu realized just what direction her thoughts were heading in. Trying not to show just how much she was blushing, the samurai gardener swiftly looked away from the pink-haired ghost, directing her eyes downward as she swiftly set about finishing her meal. Until... The little monkey that had been hanging around Leonardo suddenly came in in a panic, trying to indicate that something terrible was going on. It even looked like it had been attacked, somehow... Worry suddenly gripping the small girl's heart, Youmu shot to her feet and quickly proceeded outside, her phantom half trailing behind her. And what she saw.. People were crying out in pain and dying as bursts of energy struck their bodies, sending them to the ground. Horrible, insect-like beings were capturing and slaughtering the men and women frantically attempting to flee down the street. Even the few who stopped to try and stand and fight in desperation, to protect those around them, were soon struck down horribly, burned or ripped apart. Red blood splattered across the streets as again and again, innocent people fell dead. Youmu's blue eyes widened. She had never seen anything so... so awful. She knew some of the creatures of Gensokyo were predatory towards humans, but most intelligent youkai no longer preyed upon them. One of the few she knew did was so incompetent that there was no way she would ever succeed. But this... this was mass death, mass suffering and pain. Why? Why were these awful, horrible things doing this? Why?! A hail of shots were fired her way. But they passed through thin air. Youmu's mind had come to a simple conclusion the moment she had dodged. She was going to kill them. All of them. Every single last one of these monsters was going to die. Her right hand clutched Roukanken's hilt as she leaned forward... and there was a sound like a sonic boom. The backdraft from Youmu's sudden movement caused the foliage in nearby planters to rustle as if struck with a strong breeze, and in an instant the body of one of the smaller, more humanlike aliens was suddenly severed completely in half from its shoulder to its hip! Youmu said nothing, but the anger was clear in her eyes. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She was going to kill all of them...! Her entire body suspended in the air for a moment, she suddenly hurtled back downwards and cut one of the larger, bulkier aliens' arm off, before following up with a slash through its head, cutting it through both of its eyes and sending the top of its skull tumbling off. Before its body even fell she was moving again. Several of the smaller aliens around her were cut apart, heads and limbs sailing through the air, spurting green blood, as Youmu swiftly advanced to one of the larger insect-like creatures! It tried to react to her attack, but one of its swiping claws simply met thin air as she darted to the side, hewing one of its legs off and causing it to topple forward. She leaped up, and... In a shower of green blood, its entire upper body split in half down the middle. [@PKMNB0Y][@KoL][@Raineh Daze][@TheFake][@Crusader Lord] [hr] [h2]Mordred[/h2] "... Oi oi, you stupid machine..." Mordred glared at the machine. It most likely couldn't hear her, but she was going to let it know exactly how infuriated it had made her at this point, cracking her knuckles as she did. She wasn't going to let it get away with something like this. Whoever had made this thing had nothing less in mind but cheating people out of their money, and she wasn't going to let that stand any longer. Both Tenshi and herself had been struggling... There was no way something stupid like this should be so hard! "This is what you get for fucking with us!" snarled the blonde knight, winding her arm back and then punching the glass, as hard as she could! It instantly exploded into tiny fragments, scattering to the ground! [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze]