[center][h1][sup][b][u]IC Announcements[/u][/b][/sup][/h1][/center] [indent][indent]• Remember that you must have five or more relations done before you post. Without relations, your character along with yourself might be lost. I will be checking, just so you know. Do not just have the symbols or character thoughts, I want to see a brief description, too. • Time skips will be happening in the roleplay but an announcement will be made, from either myself or Moon Child, beforehand so that you guys can be prepared. Collab posts are definitely encouraged, too. • Do not do any too drastic in character unless you have discussed it with myself and Moon Child. We will gladly lend an ear. • Make sure you read everyone's post before posting your own and make sure your posts are at least three paragraphs of non-dialogue. I know in the rules that it says make sure two people post before you do but I'm going to change that here, make sure at least four people post after your last post before you post again. Also, make sure you post at least once or twice a week. • The header below is optional, yes but it is helpful in my opinion. [hider=Header][code][center][img]Character Name or Title of post[/img] [img]gif or image of character[/img] Location: Wherever your character is Interacting With: No [@mentions] just names of characters[/center][/code][/hider][/indent][/indent]