[center][h2]Christine Abigail[/h2][/center] [hr] "Alright, Bak! I'll try to finish off whoever I could if I could get close enough. But I believe the optimal way to do this is to wait until they come to us before going into close-range combat. I shall hinder them with my blizzard as you bombard them from afar," Christine explained her plan. She then put some distance from her teammates before she began summoning her blizzard. She clasped her hands on her chest as she prayed as the chilly wind began to swirl all over her. Her coat flapped upwards, revealing glimpses of her panties to the world, to the cheers of the more perverted part of the audience. And then, she threw that heavy, cold wind towards the Vigilantes. Not only that the wind would impede them, the snow would also obscure their sight. Unfortunately, the two walls kinda blocked the force of her blizzard, so its strength considerably weakened when it got to their half of the field. Well, at least this would punish them if they tried crossing over here. [@Gentlemanvaultboy]