[@AdmrlStalfos19][@Guess Who][@Sunbather][@GarlandDaHero] This escape was starting to be more trouble than it was worth. Even with the ether-locks off, magic was still out of the question for now. She had not been there as long as the other prisoners, but even a month with those locks on seemed to be enough to drain someone of their abilities. She stood there as she tried to make anything work, but to no avail. She had never held a sword before in her life, the only time she had even seen a sword being used was when she had guards. If she was going to fight, she needed her magic which meant she needed to get to her staff, maybe with her weapon she could focus just enough to keep her from getting killed. Things only got worse when a message came over the intercom with orders to kill anyone trying to escape. [color=0054a6]"As if we didn't have enough on our plate"[/color] she thought to herself. How were they going to escape now with every guard taking extreme measures, more importantly, how were they going to get to their possessions? As she sat there and thought to herself she was quickly brought back to reality after she heard the Dhirom girl mention about having a plan for the warden. She agreed, the warden would be a big hindrance to their advance if he caught up with the group, not to mention if he caught them in the possessions area. The would need to do something about him and do it quickly, something they could use to deter either him or the guards.