"I what? I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said." Darcy laughed. "I said you look like you could kill a man a thousand different ways with your bare hands. That's more than this old rust-bucket can say." He kicked the side of the ship. Ed squinted. "What, you mean this warship can't kill people?" Darcy crossed his arms and replied, "Her auto-pilot's wonky and auto-targeting's terrible. If she's a warship, then I'm a millionaire. Nah, she's a civvie through and through. The only thing she's got going for her is her durability, which I only found out because of her wonky auto-pilot. Frankly, this rust-bucket's gotten me into more scrapes than I can count, so you have no idea how happy I am to have someone who's even remotely good at piloting." Ed could have sworn he felt a rumble somewhere deep in the belly of the ship. "Then I guess it's a good thing we have someone who, as you so aptly put it, could kill a man a thousand different ways with her bare hands," he retorted as he flashed Sofie a wink and resumed fishing for the User Manual. He finally located it beneath a pile of unpaid bills and opened it. Ed motioned Sofie over to read it with him.