Late post is late, but my crossover is moving to completion! In terms of characters I've used/mentioned: [hider] Greg Saunders Sheriff Saunders Billy Gunn Jonah Hex Johnny Frankenstein The Crimson Avenger Stripsey The Star Spangled Kid Shining Knight The Dummy Big Caesar Roman Solomano Bounty Hunter Johnny Blaze El Diablo(1800s Vigilante version) Bat Lash(indirectly) Grak Mephisto [/hider] Those are the ones I could readily think of, but there might be more, I'll do a more exhaustive pass soon-ish. I should also probably add some characters that I'll be using down the line. I apologize for my recent absence, but I've just moved into school for the first time, and that's been somewhat of an adjustment; so now my ass has a week of posts to catch up on.