[h2]Raymond Haywood: The Cruise Room[/h2] It wasn’t long after he and Chatterbox had dragged Xolotl’s unconscious body outside that both parties received a message from an unlisted number. [i]Next assignment at the hideout.[/i] Naturally, it seemed their day wasn’t over yet. That did beg the question of what they’d do with Xolotl, though... leaving him there was a waste of resources, and presented a strong risk that he’d return to try and finish them off, not to mention generally prove to be a nuisance to everyone else in general, and if they left the range of the Broker’s powers- whatever that distance might be- he’d reacquire his ability to turn into lightning and most likely run off, the moment after waking up and slaughtering both of them. Unless... ‘Tell me, Chatterbox, does your power work on unconscious people?’ he asked quietly. ‘I imagine if you could whisper into his ear how much he doesn’t feel a need to escape or kill us before he awakens, it’d greatly improve our chances of moving him to our base safely.’ Or they could just dump the body here, with all the unnecessary drama that came with it, but frankly, this was a rare opportunity: to get a spy of their own into the Community, and one who’d willingly return to refresh their orders and brainwashing at that, if Chatterbox’s power worked the way Raymond thought it did.