After some serious consideration, these are my favorite moments: [hider=Comedy] Pick 1: [url=] Insert Snazzy Catch Phrase Title Here[/url] by [@Spoopy Scary] & I This isn’t me recognizing myself in this post. This is me recognizing Spoops’ endearing composition of Calen that had me laughing the entire way through. Calen is a cheeky little bard, who improvises, who’s quirky, and just all around a goofball. From his ability to improvise for Rhona on the spur of the moment by making her look like a Redguard woman to help her hide from Cezare, to the way he entirely forgets that he has asthma and accepts Rhona’s pipe despite the fact, and to the cheeky drunken quips at the end of the collab, I found myself laughing more than I thought I would throughout this post. Pick 2: [url=] Several Rounds Later[/url] by [@Dervish], [@Greenie], [@POOHEAD189] and I. This was one of my favorite collabs to do by far, and re-reading it again still made me laugh. I love how Alim, Meg and Latro all came together to help steal Brynja’s ale in her inebriated state, because what’s better than free ale? All in all, this post is full of devious behaviour [s]I’m looking at you Meg and Alim[/s], entertaining quips from the squad, and it’s just full of laughs and good fun. [i]Ps[/i], [s]let’s get Brynja this drunk again[/s][/hider] [hider=Action] Pick 1: [url=] The Wayward Thief and the Bard[/url] by [@Dervish] & [@Leidenschaft] Do you want to feel anxious? Do you want to get swept up into a scene of slow-building action that leaves your stomach twisting in anticipation? If not, don’t read this. If so, then buckle your ass in. It takes a while for this post to build, as Daro’Vasora and Latro are busy sleuthing through the shadows only for Latro to end up gravely wounded (Brynja helps in the following posts I promise), but the fluidity of this action scene is just proof of Dervs and Schaft’s prowess on writing action scenes [s]they could write a movie together[/s]. Get your popcorn out babies. Pick 2: [url=] The Tallest Mountains Start Off As Stone - The Raid on Elenglynn[/url] a giant fuck off collab involving [@Dervish], [@Mortarion], [@Father Hank], [@Leidenschaft], [@MiddleEarthRoze], and I. There’s nothing better than getting a bunch of you wee shitheads together and writing out a massive fight scene, one that is split up into two groups at that, and having it all flow so smoothly together. We’ve got the return of Latro, Brynja and Sol haulin ass, and Jaraleet, Sora and Gregor going HAM. That’s all I gotta say.[/hider] [hider=Dialogue] Pick 1: [url=] The Tragedy of Sir Gregor Sibassius[/url] by [@Spoopy Scary] and [@Father Hank] Where do I even begin? There is something particularly touching and moving when reading anything in regards to Calen, he’s by far one of my favorite characters in the entire game, and Spoops does it best when Calen is playing music with Gregor. Calen’s song, in the beginning is quite humorous, and I can certainly appreciate those undertones. However, as the song turns to a more somber note, I can mentally hear the song in my head, not something that is easily done these days. I can thoroughly appreciate Calen’s genuine behaviour, especially after the song ends and the onlookers depart, leaving Calen and Gregor to share a touching conversation. The way Spoops and Hank write this scene flows naturally, and it [i]feels[/i] real and genuine. It doesn’t feel forced. I hope to see some more of Calen and Gregor here in the near future, bravo! Pick 2: [url=] Sink or Swim[/url] by [@BurningCold], [@Greenie], and [@DearTrickster] If there’s anything about this post in particular, it’s the execution of dialogue. The conversation in particular, the one Judena has with Mortalmo is chilling, yet moving. It’s unnerving to watch Mortalmo try to suggest to Judena, that perhaps there is a way out of her misery, through cruel and twisted means. Death. Although I must add that I am thoroughly impressed with Greenie’s dedication to Megana’s colloquialism. Whenever I read Meg speaking, it flows smoothly in my head, and it doesn’t seem forced at all. The three of you, marvelous writing, and the dialogue in this collab is on point.[/hider] [hider=Character Development] Pick 1: [url=] Renaissance[/url] by [@BurningCold] Let me just say. In the beginning, anything Mortalmo said or did made me infuriated. He’s extremely relatable with his xenophobia, and his stubbornness. Over the course of this game, I’ve seen Mortalmo go through so much, and honestly it left me with doubts. Would Mortalmo ever change? In the collab, Sink or Swim, and the one where I first introduced Rhona to him, I truly thought Mortalmo was on the up and up for changing. And then this post happens. Then again, who knows what will happen to Mortalmo? Will he finally change and redeem himself? Either way, his character arc has me curious to watch him throughout the game. Pick 2: [url=] The Moonpath[/url] by [@Dervish] Daro’Vasora. I’ve been watching her carefully from the start. I wondered how Sora would play out over the course of the game, and this post right [b]here[/b], good lord man, she has come so far since the beginning of this game. I have watched you make her suffer and feel bitter over the death of Zegol, I have watched her try to get revenge by joining the Rangers, and I have watched her bitterness and anger rise up out at Rhea. But this? This is Sora grounding herself, re-orientating herself with reality and what she needs to do. Not to mention the collab after this with Judena in Kinds Words for Kind Friends, really got the feelz train running. I can see her progress more now than before, and I can appreciate the hard effort you have put into her, and character development.[/hider] [hider=Character Relationship] Pick 1: [url=] Kind Words for Kind Friends[/url] by [@DearTrickster] and [@Dervish] AGHHHHH. There’s so much I love about Jude and Sora. This post really brought out the feels for me, and I’m mightily impressed to see Sora reacting to Jude this way. They’ve known each other from the start of the expedition in the Jerall Mountains, and to see Sora reaching out to Jude to comfort her, to support her, to reassure her, just makes my wee black heart feel warm and squishy. I demand more Jude & Sora in the future yo. Gimme those feels. They’re my favorite besties. Pick 2: [url=] Rae and Al: A Whole New Deal[/url] by [@POOHEAD189] and [@Stormflyx] Friends or not, [i]or more?[/i] Alim is a lil cheeseball, and corny as all hell, but I can really appreciate how he treats Raelynn in this post. Especially when he considers her a friend, it shows her conflict with having ties to people all in all, but in the end ;0 what can I say. They’re a bunch of cutie patooties and I like it. Make them besties plz, k thanks.[/hider]