All right, everyone! The IC is up. For the purposes of this scene, I'm trusting everyone to basically do what they like, and collaboratively tell a good story. Treat this like a long-form improvisation exercise where you're handing narrative hooks to the next person in line, whoever that may be. That means, for example, please don't just kill the spider in one post, that's no fun. Please do yell at the other characters, that's very fun. If you do something and want the GM's Word as to what that action actually did, let me know and I'll either write a GM interstitial post or just PM you whatever it is you'd like to know. My posts will include information that is generally plot-relevant especially in scene-setting and NPC dialogue, otherwise I'm doing my best to treat Morgan as any other player-character. I encourage collaborative posts, [i]especially[/i] when dialogue or conversations are involved. Think of this initial scene like the tutorial level. You can't really do the 'wrong' thing in terms of the plot, and there will be more information peppered though as we go along. <3 ------------ And, I apologise [@Dead Cruiser], but for the moment the cast is full and locked down. This may change in the future though!