Alex gave an inward sigh. She could tell from the how he was standing that he had no intention of pushing it past mild flirtatiousness. She knew a sales pitch when she heard one, the boy might have been trying to be nice but it was clear that he wasn't interested. A pity it was, an inventor could be a goldmine as long as you were there before he became famous. They never remembered the people that were interested in their wealth afterwards but they could name every person that supported them through it all. She hadn't exactly had much hope for it anyway. It was just something to pass the time till the Procession of the Prince of Ikana. The gates of the Ghost Kingdom had been shut well before Alex was born but she'd heard stories and rumors of the Great Stone Tower and the city that surrounded it whispered by the people of Pirate's Landing. Some said that when the Gates of the Stone Tower opened the dead of Ikana returned to life. Other's said that a powerful mage had enchanted the corpses of the land in order to lure the Terminian's in. Theories spread far and wide but only Igos Du Ikana could know the truth and he was locked away behind the Wall of Bones. That was until now when he sent his son to Clock Town for the thirtieth Carnival of Time. Alex was looking forward to the speech and doing some recon to see how well the Prince protected his valuables. Alex's breath froze in her chest when she heard him talk of a poisoned apple. Of course the idea of taking a life was not new to her. It was necessary sometimes but Alex strove only to end a life that deserved it and only when it was nessesary. Naturally several clients had attempted to contract her for assassinations. It was not uncommon especially for someone trained in the Gerudo arts of stealth and combat but she had always turned them down. Alex had killed a handful of times in her life and it never mattered what ind of monsters those she killed might have been the knowledge that she was stealing them from their loved ones always ate at her inside. It was not right to take someone away from their family as she'd had Ali stolen away from her. Alex knew that Dillan spoke in jest but it still stung. She needed to find something to eat, she was done here. "I have to go." As an afterthought she added "It's not poisoned." Alex held eye contact with Dillan as she used one hand to retrieve her scimitar. She held his gaze as she snatched up one of the toys with the same hand that retrieved her sword. "I'll see you around." She said though in honest truth she never expected to see the boy again. Alex turned away from the horrendously dressed merchant and disappeared into the crowd. She needed something to eat and some time to herself. She stopped by several of the stands a good distance from Dillan's stall and 'picked up' an orange, and a second bread role. She then stopped by the Milk Bar and after dodging several people who looked ready to collapse from over consumption, ordered a regular milk from the counter. She had not the funds for Chateau Romani whose price had gone up since the Romani Ranch began to shrink, nor did she want any at this moment. It was very potent and Alex thought it best drunk when everything else had gone to hell. It was too expensive to waste on just a bad day. There was a spot in East Clock Town that Alex liked. On the second floor of the Stock Pot Inn there was a balcony with a large brass bell that was used to mark closing time. It didn't have the best view in the city but you could see a great deal of East Clock Town from it. When Alex reached the inn at a bit of a run she considered how to get to her spot. She could of course use the door but the wall beside the balcony was made of old worn brick that had several pieces fallen out. It made the perfect climbing surface and was faster than using the stairs. Alex quickly scaled the surface. It wouldn't have been hard for the common man to climb the ten feet to the roof, for Alex it was as simple as breathing. It didn't look like anyone had seen her or if they had didn't really care. She unpacked the meal that she had stolen as well as a bottle from her bag. Inside the bottle was a glittering gold ball of light with frail wings flapping angrily at the glass. Looking closely there could be seen the form of a girl inside the ball of light. To most people fairies were tools to be used in battle, even the artists in there paintings portrayed them as shimmering balls of light. The fairy kept batting against the glass with force. Sometime ago Alex might have found that funny but now it just seemed futile. "Iris, that won't work. The bottle was designed to be immune to magic, guess they didn't want a bad batch of potions to melt through." [i]"What is the point of this thief. I know perfectly well that you are too well trained to ever expect to need me in combat so why confine me like this?"[/i] asked the fairy angrily. Alex shrugged and started to eat her sparse meal. "I got no one else to talk to I suppose."