Hello, all. Welcome to my interest check! My name is Buck. I'm a twenty-six year-old female who has been roleplaying for over twelve years now. I'm back and I'm looking for one or two roleplays to fill my time, preferably over email or Discord. Feel free to browse through my information. If you have questions, or want to suggest something, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on this thread or through PM at any time. A few things about me, and what I expect from roleplay partners are as follows: 1. Detail: I definitely prefer a detailed roleplay partner. I average 500-700 words a post, or more. Roleplays only really interest me if I have something more than a few sentences to read. I’m not going to put a required word count, but three decent-sized paragraphs at minimum would make me a happy woman. 2. Activity: I've somehow become slow. I promise one post a week minimum. I may do more. I can wait forever though, so you can take your time. 3. Plots: Please participate in plotting with me! I love both discussing ideas with my partners and/or being surprised at a turn of events in a post. I don’t believe in passive roleplaying and I will get bored if you aren’t willing to bounce ideas around with me. I'm very talkative and love making friends. 4. Pairings and Genders: I do enjoy romance. I don't want to just throw two characters together and mush them together for the sake of "romance." If it happens, great. If it doesn't, great. I love exploring the dynamics of a friendship(/family/enemies/etc.) just as much as I do the dynamics of a couple. Don't get me wrong, romance does tend to spring up in most of my 1v1s. I play both genders. 5. Sexual content/Limits: I don't do a lot of smut. I can write it well, if it's a deal-breaker for you not having it. We can discuss this. I have few limits, but these can be discussed, as well. I will respect your limits, always. 6. Anime: Sorry. I don't watch it. 7. OOC: Talk to me! I love to talk. In terms of interests, I have lots of them. I will say I don't really have any fandoms to speak of, at least ones that you commonly see these days. I am not a huge fan of video games/modern movies/etc., so you're welcome to inquire if I'm familiar with your fandom, but there will be a good chance I'm not. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please feel free to suggest! I love trying all sorts of new things. I will tell you now that I love gritty, dark, emotional plots. No, I don't mean emo or tormented teen in Nebraska. 1. Regency Inspired 2. Golden Age of Piracy (16th century) anything {Pirate x Royal, Pirate x Pirate, etc. etc.} 3. Royalty x Royalty/Peasant/Servant/etc. {Can include fantasy. Any setting: past, present, or future. Preferably shifting away from the very beloved medieval inspired} 4. Small town with dark grit and darker secrets 5. Bounty Hunter x Bounty {Any setting: past, present, or future.} 6. Modern crime {Police, criminals, FBI, intrigue - I have a bit of a love for soft-hearted criminals} 7. Human x Supernatural Creature (probably not vampires or werewolves, sorry) I'm struggling to think of more, but please feel free to put forth ideas. I do have plots at the ready, if you have specific interests. Below is a short list of a few things I'm a bit of a softie for: 2. High-profile criminal x Undercover cop/FBI agent/innocent bystander 3. Nicknames 4. Rough around the edges x ball of sunshine 5. Reunited after long time apart