[hider=Rico Fenix] [b]Character Name[/b] [center][img]https://vgy.me/9K6Bqw.png[/img][/center] [center][color=gold]"Doesn't seem so bad from up here."[/color][/center] [b]NAME[/b] Ricardo Fenix [b]OTHER NAMES[/b] Rico, Captain, Frame Drop - (Once delivered a mech suit by dropping it from the sky) Online Handle- FrameDroper5 [b]GENDER[/b] Male [b]SEXUALITY[/b] Heterosexual [b]AGE[/b] 23 [b]RACE[/b] Human [b]DISTRICT[/b] Titan [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [hider=Behind the Suit] [center][img]https://sevencolouredcompass.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/setsuna-f-seiei-season-2.png[/img][/center] [/hider] Attire [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1a/20/4b/1a204b636c45751f6df538b1c15f8324.jpg]Flight Suit[/url] Accessories [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0e/53/86/0e5386037763d1991b2a273bb60f6587.jpg]V03-X-Paladin Scout Frame[/url] [b]PERSONALITY[/b] While Rico is essentially a soldier, he is not typical. The military is just his job and while he adapted to the profession and culture, he doesnt take that stuff home with him. If anything, he just likes to nerd out about dumb stuff and b s with friends on chat boards. He's actually smart, probably being better suited for research or engineering, but in Titan, where jobs are scarce, he had to go with whatever was going to pay him. Otherwise, Rico is generally a pretty nice guy that doesn't take things to seriously, unless his job or life is at stake. He thinks things through and tries to find practical solutions for problems. When cleverness fails though, he is willing to take risks, having learned a long time ago that you need to sometimes jump in in order to make things happen. Apparently it was this impulsiveness and reaction that had him pegged for flight school. When meeting new people, he is usually the one who gives them a smile and a question, mostly because he is not afraid of making friends and trying to set a good first impression. Violence isn't really his thing if he can avoid it. [b]BIO[/b] In titan, if you aren't rich, you live in the blocks. The blocks are the massive apartment complexes, almost cities within themselves in gigantic slabs of concrete. Crowding, crime, disease, tainted water, that was just part of daily life for the million of denizens that call it home. Rico was just another kid among them. He didn't exactly have to struggle the same as some others did, atleast his parents had jobs, as meager as they were, but he didn't have luxury either. His entertainments and his escapes were the other kids or video games. He always had a thing for racing and shooters, and his early childhood games were always set to match those interests. As he got older though, his nature mellowed out. Originally he was an obnoxious, emotion prone trouble maker. After making a fool of himself, particularly in front of girls he liked, he learned to take a step back, relax and try to go with the flow. He picked up on the social cues of others and played it cool and in doing so, led him to get quite a bit of friends in his social circles, getting an appreciation for some of their more intellectual pursuits. He thought he'd make a pretty good civil engineer or even a scientist. Sadly those weren't very practical to a kid that didn't have any industry connections. A few enamored him to the idea of joining the military. The pay would be good. He wouldn't have to worry about housing. He'd get some great job training and maybe would have a good paying occupation when he was done. He got through the programs, and was chosen to become a military pilot. Military Pilots would have a very particular sets of skills, namely to pilot military vehicles, and occasionally maintain them, not really useful anywhere else. And with that, Rico became trapped. It was either doing something he didn't particularly like, or join the millions of unemployed in the streets below. [b]SKILLS[/b] Piloting Mechanical Engineering Military Technology Minor Sciences and Academics [b]OCCUPATION[/b] Pilot [b]OTHERS[/b] Theme [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRuGdlEvyZg[/youtube][/center] [/hider] I still need to make his bio. But is this okay for right now?