On the subject of the [s]totally plagiarized from Elric of Melnibone[/s] Witcher series and of getting a semi, that gameplay reveal of Cyberpunk 2077 looked pretty sweet. I mean, it's definitely leaning pretty hard on edgy-boy shock value, but if you're not going for edgy-boy shock value, are you even doing cyberpunk at all? And I can't take the sidekick character seriously when he's speaking in that Dora-the-Explorer white-people Spanish that everyone does with Latino characters, where they speak perfectly fluent English but then just say one random word in Spanish per sentence. But the game itself looks like a lot of fun. Of course, given that these pre-scripted 'gameplay demos' are almost never indicative of the final product, I fully expect them to deliver on maybe 30% of what they're promising, but even then it oughta be pretty enjoyable. Now to just sit and wait for it along with Star Citizen, Half-Life 3, the original build of Duke Nukem Forever, Bill and Ted 3, the live-action Akira, Del Toro's Mountains of Madness, Dr. Dre's detox, the last Song of Ice and Fire books, and all the other cool stuff that will never, ever, ever actually come out.