--- Practice Halls --- Walking back into the practice halls Kazudain felt that yesterday's odd meeting could have gone better. On the one hand Maldur should have waited to see what was going on and on the other he should have stopped Maldur from doing what he wished as he knew he could stop Maldur, but didn't. Oh well. They would meet that boy again no doubt. He did agree with Vuldur, about the boy needing a lesson of sorts. What that lesson was he wasn't entirely sure, but he had a feeling it dealt with not jumping to conclusions... Until he spoke with the Northern Beastkin again he wouldn't jump to any conclusions himself. At the moment he and Maldur had entered the halls for their next bout. This time it seemed they would fight an actual student of the Academy. Let's see how they do. [color=7ea7d8]"To a good match young man."[/color] Drawing his sword he kept it at his side, ready to move when needed. Maldur remained silent, eyes on the student Thessir while his body coiled, waiting and ready. --- Warehouse --- His body may not have been as spry as either Faye's or Enishi's, but he was able to keep pace and not hunch over for breath. Gazing through the window Tibrus took a quick glance around, taking note of the chemistry stations and the protective gear worn by the workers. [color=a2d39c]"Must be something dangerous in those boxes to wear such gear. Or something they don't want contaminated."[/color] He spoke with only a whisper, loud enough for only his companions to hear. There were many chemicals that needed such precautions, for such an amount to be here and he didn't know about it... He slid back down to the ground with a crouch, motioning for the pair to follow. He motioned to Enishi. [color=a2d39c]"Now would be a good time for those familiars lad."[/color] He pointed upwards with both a finger and chin. [color=a2d39c]"There are plenty of rafters and supports to let a bird fly about and give a different perspective over those large crates. And if you can handle more than one at a time, a bird can keep an eye on a rat as it scurries from the ground or climbs the crates."[/color] He turned to Faye next. [color=a2d39c]"With both carrying your seals we can move to another spot around for another viewpoint."[/color] The whole time he spoke low. While it didn't feel right doing this, this whole situation didn't feel right.