When Durwith had summoned reinforcements, he thought there'd be a full on tavern brawl going on by the time other watchmen arrived. But instead of wading into a roiling mass of violent drunkards, Durwith and his backup walked in on little more than the aftermath of a minor scuffle. Needless to say, Durwith felt rather sheepish about jumping the gun like that. After being lightly needled over his mistake by the other watchmen, Durwith soon had a free flagon of mead in his hand, courtesy of a bartender who took pity on the dwarf. Just as he finished his drink, Durwith noticed a familiar face approaching. Durwith prepared himself for a rant as Inga began talking about the recent goblin attack and the captain's lack of action. "You know why that is, Inga" Durwith replied "The city needs us here. If we sallied forth into the wilderness everytime a caravan gets jumped, who'd be left to keep the peace in the city? Besides, if the goblins took a child then the adventurers will be on them like flies on crap before the week is out". The moment he finished speaking, Durwith's point was proven by the arrival of an adventurer. "Like I said. Flies on crap" Durwith told Inga once she finished speaking "I'm going to finish my rounds. See you at the watch house". With that said, Durwith made to leave the Tavern and resume his patrol.