As the Buneary approached Indigo, he couldn't help but forget his attitude momentarily and inwardly squeal. The pokemon was adorable! All fluffy and cuddly looking with a smile on its face. Wait, he wasn't supposed to like cute pokemon [i]so[/i] much. He needed tougher, cooler looking ones didn't he? Hawka was already cute, and Hero was kind of gross looking, so he couldn't just get another cutesy pokemon. His Team had to have some kind of aesthetic, didn't it? He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned away. [color=8882be][i]It's probably for the best...[/i][/color] He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. Training seemed like a lot of effort... But he'd lost twice today. He knew he needed to train. But why bother? If it was just going to end in a loss... Hawka chirped and Hero rustled his leaves loudly, getting Indigo's attention. [color=8882be]"What?"[/color] He asked. [color=8882be]"I know, I know, we lost. I'm sorry. I'm not good at this stuff."[/color] The Buneary watched, intrigued. She had seen the battle earlier, and though she had had her own fair share of battles against trainers and fellow wild pokemon alike, this one had intrigued her. She wasn't sure why, though she knew she wanted to leave her burrow soon and explore the rest of the world. She leaned forwards, her ears twitching. The human seemed to be communicating with his pokemon. Hawka squawked furiously in response, shaking her bright crest and Hero wobbled side to side in tandem. It seemed they were telling Indy he was wrong. [color=8882be]"Hm... You mean you guys aren't mad?"[/color] He asked. [color=8882be]"How can you say that? I lost twice today... I mean, I'm pathetic."[/color] He sank to the ground, wanting to fall asleep under his spell of self-inflicted misery and exhaustion. But Hawka pecked at his fingers and Hero jumped on his stomach. [color=8882be]"Ow! Okay... Okay. What? You guys want to train?"[/color] His pokemon nodded enthusiastically and he didn't resist the urge to grumble. [color=8882be]"Ugh I'm so tired though... But fine."[/color] So they began exchanging blows, just like earlier, and as the Buneary saw the close-knit teamwork of the pokemon, she decided she wanted to be on this very team as well. But! She would first see if they were worthy of her. So she slipped away first, to say goodbye to her little burrow. She'd miss them all but it was a common occurrence in the pokemon world. They all left the nest eventually. On the way, she trained herself, prepping for her eventual trainer battle. About an hour passed during the time she readied herself and Indigo had his pokemon train. She finally hopped back onto the scene, ready. [color=8882be]"Hm? Oh hey another Buneary... Or wait, are you the one I saw before?"[/color] Indy asked outloud, mostly to himself. He wasn't sure about this newcomer but she leapt forwards, punching menacingly with her ears. Woah! This Buneary wanted to fight! Hawka took the tenacious rabbit on, being a more proud and brash fighter than Hero. She came at the Buneary with her newly learned Peck move, her beak glowing with energy and jutting forwards. The Buneary caught Hawka's beak in between both of her strong ears, however, and flipped Hawka back mercilessly. [color=8882be]"Hawka! From the air, launch an Ember!"[/color] Indy shouted. Hawka opened her mouth to spew a flurry of crackling fireballs at the Buneary. She couldn't defend with her ears this time! Instead, the rabbit pokemon rolled into a Defense Curl. [color=8882be]"Try a Sand-Attack!"[/color] Yet as Hawka tried to kick up dusts of sand towards the Buneary, the clever bunny countered with a Foresight attack, making it so her accuracy was unaffected. Not that Indigo exactly [i]knew[/i]. All he could tell was that the rabbit wasn't any easier to dodge than before. The battle went on as both sides gained the upper hand and lost it. Finally, the Buneary decided she had had enough and went straight for Indy. [color=8882be]"Woah, woah, hey!"[/color] He yelped, scrambling back. But the Buneary was faster than him, and suddenly-- she reached up and pressed the button on one of the pokeballs by his waist. To his utter surprise, the Buneary disappeared in a flash of red. [color=8882be]"Hey, wait a sec..."[/color] Before it could even register, the pokeball clicked with a satisfied [i]ding[/i] and stopped shaking. He stared dumbfounded. He had... caught a Buneary? After it was all said and done, he met up with Daniel again. [color=8882be]"Hey, what a day... Let's catch up. Anything new with you?"[/color] [hr] [hider=Current] Hawka the Torchic F- lvl 13+1=14 Hero the Burmy M -lvl 11+1=12 Buneary??? +1 level? Items: small pearl ×1 Kee Berry ×3 pokeball ×4 Actions: On Quiet Road route. Hawka and Hero trained so I made them gain a level. Though Buneary wasn't Indigo's yet, I hoped to make her gain a level through training as well. Hope that's okay! [/hider]