[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=8A2BE2]Alexandra[/color] & [color=A0522D]Gilbert[/color][/i][/b][/h1][h3][I]"Battle!"[/I][/h3] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/7zPZuAyb05sBGaJ7g4/giphy.gif[/img][/center][center][I][h3][color=A0522D]The first causality of war is innocence.[/color] [/h3][/I][color=A0522D]- [I]Oliver Stone[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Mill (Ville au Camp) ⇢ Zhou Dynasty, State of Wu (450 B.C.) [b]Skills:[/b] [color=A0522D]Alter Form[/color] [/center][hr] The first day of training with Alexandra. Her and Gilbert, one-on-one, for the next block of time. Now, training with the other Paradoxes had been fairly straightforward; spend the first day doing something pointed in a personal direction. The first one was to demonstrate the true cost of hubris in combat. Or as it was said among the soldiering community (in one form or another) since the time of the Egyptian Empires, "The Price of a Mile". Hopefully, it stuck. The second was the lesson of taking a weakness and turning it into something strong - a liability into an asset. This one, well... It was different. Within the Mill, there sat a small round table covered in white tablecloth. A bottle of notable wine sat next to a basket of lightly steaming, pillowy breadsticks, along with a porcelain dish containing a perfectly balanced Maître d'Hôtel Butter and spreading knife. Gilbert sat on one side of the table in [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/a8Q301PA3nlRgT9kTho33cEp3Yc/fit-in/1200x630/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-:fill-!white!-/2015/10/06/209/n/36735788/4a3a628d3eb832de_tumblr_nuon9sbMow1re1ut0o1_500/i/Wink-Sexy.gif]alternate period finery[/url], glass in hand, waiting for his Paradox student to arrive. Alexandra had a skip to her step as she made her way to the mill. Training with Evelina had been a blast, and by blast she meant sometimes fun and sometimes a shot to the chest. Nevertheless, she was ever eager for her next adventure. She strode into the mill with a certain confidence to her as her dark eyes drank everything in, the wear and tear of use, the showcase of weaponry and armor, and finally the quaint little table where a certain someone sat with food and wine. [color=8A2BE2]"Av, is all this for me? You shouldn't have,"[/color] she commented playfully, a slight twinkle to her eyes. She gave Gilbert a sweet smile as she approached the table, before plopping down in the chair across from him. [color=8A2BE2]"So, vhat's up, big man?"[/color] she questioned before leaning back in her chair and propping her feet up on the edge of the table. Wordlessly, though not without a disapproving glance at Alexandra's feet on his pristine white tablecloth, Gilbert reached over and poured his newest pupil a glass of wine. Pushing the breach of etiquette put of his mind, he greeted the former circus performer. [color=sienna]"Do not be silly, Alexandra. I very much should have. I know that it is a little early for wine, but I believe that even the esteemed Miss Emily Post would make an exception in this instance."[/color] His words dripped with saccharin, but potentially carried the weight of a caveat. [color=sienna]"You see Madame, it is a special occasion."[/color] His smile was broad and friendly as he picked up the basket in the center of the table, offering. [color=sienna]"Bread?"[/color] Alexandra slid her feet back off the table, arching a brow at Gilbert. [color=8A2BE2]"Is it just my imagination, or are you trying to butter me up?"[/color] she replied, before adding with a gesture to the dish of actual butter. [color=8A2BE2]"Pun intended."[/color] She then picked up the glass of wine and took a swig of it. As the liquid went down her throat, she pursed her lips slightly and nodded her head. [I]Not bad.[/I] She nodded her head in reply to his offer, before grabbing one of the breadsticks, tearing off a piece, and popping that into her mouth. Gilbert grin broadened. [color=sienna]"No, of course not. And by no, naturally I mean yes. Today marks a very special day for me, in one manner of speaking. Giosue, ah, The Watch is generally very obliging with his ability to give us passage into different times and locations for the training of Paradoxes. And occasionally for other important matters, but that is another discussion."[/color] Gil sat back in his chair, leisurely sipping his glass of wine and regarding Alexandra with his same, friendly smile. [color=sienna]"But it is uncommon for these journeys to benefit [i]me[/i] in some way, even if it is to greet someone lost to me. But as I have said, this is a special occasion and you are to be a part of it. Today, you meet one of my fathers."[/color] Gilbert cleared his throat. [color=sienna]"More wine?"[/color] She nearly choked on her breadstick at that last statement, which he quickly tried to gloss over. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head in seeming disbelief. [color=8A2BE2]"Vhat? You're taking me to meet your parents?"[/color] she sputtered, before the hint of teasing came to the tone of her voice. [color=8A2BE2]"Don't you think it's a little too soon in our relationship for that?"[/color] The corner of her lips pulled up into a smirk, before she took another sip of her wine. Her brows suddenly furrowed as something else of what he said stuck out to her. [color=8A2BE2]"Vhat do you mean [i]one[/i] of your fathers? Are you adopted or something, sort of like me?"[/color] she questioned curiously. [color=sienna]"Hmm..."[/color] regarded Gilbert, trying to find the proper way to answer Alexandra's question. [color=sienna]"Everyone who lives goes through different periods of maturity. And every transition from one stage of life to another comes with influences, both in the form of personal decisions and outside sources. Emendators are the same, in this regard. At least I was."[/color] He sat forward in his chair, closing the gap some between himself and his latest student. His face took on a more serious, more wistful expression. [color=sienna]"I have followed human conflict since the beginning of civilization. There are certain people who I could not help but influence, and who in turn have shaped my world view. There is a cyclic type of wisdom to humanity, in my experience: They do not gradually come to new concepts. Instead, a few remarkable individuals leap ahead of their time, and the rest of them are forced to adapt or get left behind. The man I intend for you to meet is one such person. And yes, he was one of my mentors. As close to a parent as I will ever experience."[/color] Gilbert removed a cardboard garment box from underneath the table and set it upon the table. [color=sienna]"When you are ready, put [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/1e/c9/fd1ec917498bc41138b7f887fc1edce3.jpg]this[/url] on and follow me. The portal is through the back door, I will be waiting."[/color] Alexandra blinked slightly as he took on a more serious expression, but as her gaze took in his features, she noted that there was something else to his demeanor. There was a certain--[I]sadness?[/I] It was a look she herself had frequented over the years, and her dark eyes softened at that realization. She gave him a small, almost reassuring, smile. She nodded her head in understanding as he finished his explanation and handed over the garment box. [color=8A2BE2]"It will be my pleasure,"[/color] she replied, standing up as she took the box from him. She gave him a soft smile, before turning to find a more private place to change. Soon enough, she had changed into the [I]interesting[/I] clothes. She honestly felt a little awkward in the attire, but then again, when did she not feel awkward in a dress? It didn't matter what era, country, fabric, style, etc. etc. it came in. A dress was a dress, and she didn't do dresses. They made pants for a reason after all. She had to admit though it was kind of pretty...darn, maybe she did actually like it. She mentally shook her head, before stepping through the portal. [color=8A2BE2]"Okay, let's get this shov on the road,"[/color] she explained as she appeared on the other side. The air on the other side was brisk but not overly cold. It was an area of low grass and evergreen trees with a small stream of clear water winding over a bed of white stones that were likely placed one at a time by hand. A path led to an arched, wooden bridge spanning the stream, and just past that rose a [url=https://livingtaoism.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/4456950.jpg]building[/url] that conferred a sense of importance. A light fog had settled upon the area, not quite obscuring vision but giving an air of mysticism and wonder to a place already shrouded in both. Gilbert moved to take a place next to Alexandra. One would have to assume it was Gilbert; he spoke lightly but oddly accented English, gave his usual warm, friendly smile, and seemed very comfortable giving his salutations. A moment of confusion might be allowed, considering the fact that the man speaking had a very different [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/a6ee23dd1aa2fe7a70528186563291f9/tumblr_o9q5tqbzfr1svlz2ko1_1280.jpg]appearance[/url]. [color=sienna]"We are in the state of Wu, in the latter part of the Zhou Dynasty in what you would know as China. It is the time of the Summer and Autumn Wars, as I can relate from experience birthed many concepts once previously unheard of in battle. The man I take you to meet is Master Sun of Qi. I was once his personal bodyguard. You might have read about him under that name 'Sun Tzu'. It is important that you show the utmost of respect. [i]Highly[/i]. It is why I have taken... [i]a precaution[/i]. I hope you understand. Come along, he is in the temple, taking tea."[/color] Alexandra glanced around, taking everything in curiously, before turning her attention to--[I]huh?[/I] Her brows furrowed, head tilting to the side a bit as her gaze landed on some stranger. A look of confusion flitted across her features as the man began to nonchalantly talk to her as if they knew each other. [I]Oh![/I] Her head jolted straight again as she finally put two and two together, realizing that Gilbert was doing that shapeshift thing that she had seen him do some many months ago. The corners of her lips curled into the beginnings of a smile. She arched a brow before nodding her head in understanding, compliance, something of the sort. A quizzical look crossed Gilbert's newer features. He opened his mouth as if to say something, thought the better of it, and continued toward the small temple. As the pair of them set foot on the arched bridge, Gilbert was pleased to remember a little trick from the last time he was at this place: Every wooden beam that formed the base of the walkway made a slightly different percussive note when stepped upon, like a hollow, wooden xylophone. He briefly considered taking a moment to dance a little tune on the bridge, like he had done many times millennia ago, but thought the better of it. [color=sienna]"Maybe on the way back..."[/color] he mused, a playful little smile across his lips. Over the bridge and to the short few steps up to the temple's main doors. [color=sienna]"I'm pleased that you don't seem to mind the tiny precaution I have taken to ensure compliance, considering the delicate nature of this man's effect on future history. Provided you do nothing that upsets this, I shall give you the antidote upon our return. Otherwise, you may ask this man any three questions as it relates to tactics and martial strategy, be it armies, personal combat, the use of fire, spies, practically anything. I will translate, as I do not believe you are familiar with Zhou period Wu dialect Mandarin."[/color] He laid one hand upon the temple door and nodded to Alexandra. [color=sienna]"Ready?"[/color] Alexandra followed in behind Gilbert at a leisurely pace and with a soft smile on her face. She looked very much the picture of contentment. Well, that was until something The Hat said caught her attention. Her face fell and paled slightly before she whipped her head around to pin the man with a steely gaze. [color=8A2BE2]"[I]Excuse me?![/I] Hov, hov--"[/color] she exclaimed indignantly. How could he have possibly put this little "precaution" into place? Her mind soon went back to the food and wine he had given her just prior to coming here via a portal. A fieriness came to her dark eyes as she now glared up at him. [color=8A2BE2]"You freakin' drugged me?! Not only that, you totally set me up, you--you [I]arsehole[/I],"[/color] she spat, angrily wagging a finger at him. The tall Emendator simply held his hand to the door. He did not open it, seeing that a touch more conversation was necessary before they met a legend. [color=sienna]"Now Alexandra,"[/color] he began in a matter-of-factly tone, [color=sienna]"this is [i]exactly[/i] what I was talking about. And do not be silly, girl. I did not drug you."[/color] Gilbert shook his head, sporting a nonchalant look on his borrowed face. [color=sienna]"No. That would be counterproductive. I [i]poisoned[/i] you."[/color] A harder, more paternal expression took his features, and he spoke with the confidence of a master craftsman. [color=sienna]"These are hard lessons I teach my Paradoxes, Alexandra. Harder than any one person should have to bear all at once. But they have to be learned, and quickly. The means I use to teach them are my own, tailored to the individual and overseen by none with higher authority. But do not worry about anything right now. It will be hours before onset. Believe me, you will know when that happens."[/color] And at that Alexandra's jaw about dropped to the floor. [color=8A2BE2]"You did vhat?!!"[/color] she exclaimed, a shrill quality coming to her voice. She shook her head. She couldn't have been hearing him right, could she? [I]He poisoned her?![/I] A mixture of emotions welled by in her eyes: shock, indignation, hurt, [I]fear[/I]. Her breaths came in and out sharply, and she could feel her heart racing. She had to close her eyes for a moment as she tried to calm herself under this immense pressure, just as Evelina had trained her to do. However, she found that no amount of training would ever truly rid her of that hatred and that fear of feeling helpless, of being incapacitated. As she steadied her breathing and heartrate, she finally opened her eyes and looked back up at Gilbert with a more or less blank expression. She gave a small nod of her head, this time in [I]true[/I] understanding and [I]true[/I] compliance. Gilbert swung open the door to the Taoist temple, revealing a mostly open room with a fitted wooden floor. Decorative lanterns and murals depicting scenes of nature, battles, and long scrolls bearing kanji could be seen readily, as could a man in his late forties to early fifties sitting on the floor behind a low table. He was dressed as a State Minister, and was apparently sitting down to tea. [color=sienna]"Respectful, in all things."[/color] reminded Gilbert quietly. He placed his hands together and bowed low to the man from across the room, and did not approach until he was waved over. She looked back ahead, keeping her facial expression neutral yet still inviting so as not to offend anyone in some unknowing way. She mimicked what Gilbert did with the bow and all. But, when she straightened back up, she laced her hands tightly in front of her in order to hide how they were shaking. There was a brief, hushed conversation between the older man and Gilbert as Alexandra waited just inside of the door. Before a minute was through, the man behind the table gave the young Russian lady a gracious wave, indicating permission to approach and sit. A pot of simmering water was set to one side of them, as was a stack of upturned [url=http://www.comuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/song_jian-ware_tea-bowl-with-oil-drop-glaze.jpg]tea bowls[/url]. Their host looked to Gilbert, who immediately selected the top three bowls from the stack, dropped a spoonful of pale green powder into each one of them, and finally withdrew a short bamboo dipper from the water to finish the simple process of making powdered tea. [color=sienna]"Give it a moment before you drink."[/color] advised Gilbert. There was a flurry of conversation between the two men, an exchange lasting only a few seconds before Gilbert looked to Alexandra and addressed her, [color=sienna]"As I have said earlier, this is Master Sun. He is enjoying what will be a fairly short retirement before he is called upon by his Emperor once more, though he is not aware of this. Master Sun is aware that you are not from his culture, and so is not holding you to the strict standards of etiquette that this situation ordinarily demands. He has deigned to allow you this time to ask him any three questions about battle, tactic, training, or any other aspect of warfare that his experience may enlighten. If you are unfamiliar with his work, I will say this: Sun Tzu is a legendary General and Tactician. His formative work on the subject, "The Art of War", is still being used thousands of years in the future, well past your time in the Imperial Russian era, and well past the time of Ville au Camp. For now, please drink. Enjoy the sounds of wind and silence. Enjoy the flavor of the tea, the type of which you will likely never experience again, and as the questions come to you, ask him directly. I will translate. But it is important that you look to [i]him[/i] when you speak."[/color] Gilbert bowed his head in Master Sun's direction, and took a light, airy sip from his tea bowl. Alexandra nodded her head and strode over once given permission to do so. She then sat down at the table across from this Sun Tzu, carefully crossing her legs in a way that didn't expose herself and ultimately seemed at least moderately ladylike. She gave a soft smile to the man before watching as the tea bowels were placed on the table. She glanced back up at Gilbert as he explained things. Nodding her head, she looked back down at the tea. She waited a bit for it to settle and cool before she gingerly took the bowl in her hands and took a small sip of the liquid. She nodded her head with a smile. It was certainly good. As silence soon enveloped them, apart from the occasional whoosh of the wind outside, she fought not to fidget. Idleness and her were [I]not[/I] friends. She instead tried to distract herself by thinking of the questions she wished to ask. She pursed her lips a bit as she deliberated on the matter. What kind of information would be pertinent to her specifically? After sitting in the relative silence for awhile, a question popped into her mind. She glanced up at Gilbert before locking gazes with Sun Tzu. [color=8A2BE2]"Hov, in a physical altercation, can a voman gain the upper hand over a man, considering our differences in strength and size?"[/color] she asked. Gilbert smiled warmly and began to translate English to Wu Mandarin, bowing to Master Sun before and after speaking. The older (looking) man considered the words put before him. He took a sip of his tea, savoring it for a moment, and took in a deep breath. The sound of the wind outside caught his attention, giving him a contented look. After a moment, he began to speak. As he spoke, Gilbert translated his thoughts to English almost as quickly as they were spoken: [color=sienna]"In any show of force, be it a skirmish, an exchange between scouts, assault upon or defense of a fortified position, even a match of individual combatants, the outcome is decided before the first blow is struck. To succeed, accurate knowledge is necessary. Therefore, when able, seem to be unable; when ready, seem unready. If your opponent sees some advantage, entice him with it. When he is arrogant and extended, attack him and take him. If the conflict will not lead to victory, and if your defeat does not allow for higher victory elsewhere, do not let pride lure you into the fight. Bigger, stronger, man, woman, this does not matter. The army of Wu was primed to be attacked by the army of neighboring Chu, their force outnumbering Wu by a factor of Ten. Wu struck first and forced Chu to break their plans for a vigorous, decisive assault. Over the course of the war, Wu was successful, even annexing Chu. Size and strength are less of a determining factor in a battle, except as they serve to make an enemy overconfident."[/color] She nodded her head in understanding. The man's words were most certainly useful. She glanced up at Gilbert with a smile before taking a small sip of her tea as she thought of how to word her next question. [color=8A2BE2]"So, vith that in mind, in vhat vay could one use vords as veapon in order to svay the course of a battle or perhaps to even avoid unnecessary violence and loss of life altogether?"[/color] she finally asked. Master Sun listened to Gilbert's translation and have a small chuckle. He nodded to Alexandra, but before he spoke a word he finished his shallow bowl of tea, bowed, and prepared himself another with a small bamboo whisk. Motioning to Him and Alexandra to help themselves, he began to speak. As he did, Gilbert's words followed. [color=sienna]"The core of my philosophy is unequivocally that the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. However, this rarely means that it can be accomplished with words alone. Words may seek to enrage an enemy, but to one who is already in motion, words do little without the threat of violence. To negotiate without the appearance of advantage is tantamount to begging. Beggars to not win conflicts, unless doing so is a ruse."[/color] [color=sienna]"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. However, in order to do that support must be withheld from your enemy. His will to continue must be broken. There must be a clear representation of effects that he will suffer if defeated; likewise he must believe that defeat is likely. Moreover, and this is important - [i]always allow your enemy a means of escape[/i]. Provide one, if you must, or even the appearance of escape. The lack of one will make him fearless."[/color] Gilbert cleared his throat and took another sip of tea, then reached across the table to take Sun on his offer and refill his own fine drinking vessel. Alexandra's head tilted a bit to the side as she listened intently. She pursed her lips slightly before taking another sip of her tea as she let the man's words sink in. She finally nodded her head before asking her final question. [color=8A2BE2]"Hov do you suggest a person vith a tendency tovards--[I]flamboyance[/I] tamp dovn on that part of themselves in order to better blend in?"[/color] she questioned. Sun glanced to Gilbert again as Alexandra spoke, but immediately drew his eyes back to the Russian lady as the question continued. The translation of the experienced Emendator followed swiftly, carrying with it as always the intonation provided by the woman for whom he was translating. The legendary tactician nodded is head as the question came to a close, sipped his tea, and responded through Gilbert thusly: [color=sienna]"The question you ask rests near to the question of how to be a better Spy. Spies are employed by Generals for a wide variety of reasons, if they are smart, and unilaterally well treated. Far better than the common troop. Understand that it is a profession as dangerous as any soldier, for as a good spy will be cared for and difficult to replace, they will receive the first blame for unforeseen difficulties."[/color] [color=sienna]"With that as my assessment, I am obligated to say that, dismantling a strong personality is not impossible, but highly unlikely. It is best to direct your flamboyance to other areas; to devote one's energies to another task - Formlessness. One must embrace total subtlety to the point of formlessness. Mysterious to the point of soundlessness. To appear without form is to appear empty. To not restrain flamboyance. Instead, seek to put it aside entirely, until the exact moment it is necessary. Then use it as a weapon."[/color] Gilbert then bowed to Master Sun, who in turn bowed back to him and then in Alexandra's direction. He held a brief exchange in Mandarin with the shapechanging Emendator, who smiled broadly and then looked to his Paradox, saying with bubbly tones, [color=sienna]"Master Sun thanks you for your presence this day, and for the ability to share knowledge with a new pupil. Further, he invites us to remain with him for a time while we finish our tea and listen to the music of the wind in the trees."[/color] Glancing up at Gilbert for a moment as he started giving her the translation, Alexandra nodded her head in understanding whilst fighting the urge to also raise a brow. [i]Vell darn, that doesn't sound like something I could possibly manage to do, nov is it?[/i] she thought to herself as she pursed her lips. She mentally shook her head out of that train of thought as the Q&A session appeared to be coming to a close now. She respectfully bowed back to Master Sun and Gilbert before looking back at Gilbert expectantly. Her brows rose slightly at his next statement, lips thinning a bit. [i]Sit in silence? Uggggghhhhhh. I don't have a choice, do I? Aren't ve on a time crunch though, you know, before I die because you FREAKIN' POSOINED ME?!![/i] She kept those thoughts to herself though, hoping they didn't show on her face. She nodded her head as stoically as she could realistically manage before smiling over at Master Sun and taking another sip of her tea. Gilbert looked to Alexandra with the barest hint of amusement on his face. He gave her a knowing nod and turned to Sun, speaking to him in his native tongue with smooth, apologetic tones. Gil bowed several times over the course of his monologue, after which he stood, bowed yet again, and motioned with his hand for Alexandra to so the same. She did a doubletake as she caught a bit amusement in Gilbert's facial expression. [I]He seriously thinks this funny?! Yeah, ha ha ha--bite me, arsehole.[/I] She gave him a calculated look before somewhat tensely facing forward again as she took yet another sip of her tea. However, she soon breathed a small sigh of relief as Gilbert sped things up. [I]Thank God. I really don't vant to die--again.[/I] She slowly stood back up before respectfully bowing to Master Sun with a soft smile gracing her features. Master Sun raised his hand and spoke in a manner that required no translation. It was apparent from the actions that he wished them to wait for a moment. A warm smile and quick set of hands later, and the old general had emptied and wrapped the tea set they had been using; a large pot of bronze, decorated with inlayed Wu calligraphy and the full set of eight [url=http://www.comuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/song_jian-ware_tea-bowl-with-oil-drop-glaze.jpg]tea bowls[/url]. The cloth used for the wrapping was rich, teal silk with a black floral pattern, and in fact was the cloth that lay over the low table they had taken tea upon. Sun bowed to Alexandra, sliding the silken bundle over to her. He said a short sentence to her and bowed. [I]Crap,[/I] Alexandra thought as they were suddenly stopped again. However, that selfish irritation and impatience was short-lived as Master Sun graciously offered her the whole tea set. She was honestly touched by the action, and she was grateful for the parting wisdom the man had given her. With that in mind, she felt a twinge of guilt for being so quick to want to leave. She was just a tad, [I]okay very[/I], anxious to get the antidote from Gilbert, which probably was a justifiable reason, but still. A genuine smile lit up her features. [color=8A2BE2]"Thank you, truly,"[/color] she replied gratefully, bowing slightly before gingerly taking the bundle from him. Before the pair shuffled out of the door, Sun issued a short command to Gilbert. The Emendator stopped, turned, and was greeted by the sight of Master Sun picking his sheathed sword from beside where he was sitting at the table. It was large, too large for him to comfortably wield and far larger than swords of the era. He unsheathed just a hand's breadth of the weapon to reveal sharp, black metal, before snapping it back closed. Sun handed it over to Gilbert with a bow, spoke a few more words with a chuckle, and motioned over to Alexandra. With a look of profound gratitude and respect, Gilbert held the blade at his side and took a knee before the man, rising only after his head had almost touched the floor beneath them. As soon as they were outside, Gil confided in Alexandra, [color=sienna]"He said that the Imperial Swordsmith who was ordered to make this for him had never met him, and by reputation thought he was a giant. He cannot actually use this thing, and said that it is more suited to a warrior of my stature. Supposedly, it is forged of a fallen star. Curious."[/color] Alexandra's gaze flitted between Gilbert's face and the massive sword he now appeared to have in his possession before arching a brow in question. [I]Ah,[/I] she thought, nodding her head as he gave an explanation. [color=sienna]"Yours is a princely gift, indeed. The silk and the tea set, both. Also considering the source... Okay, let us just get you home. There is one more matter to settle."[/color] [color=8A2BE2]"Ya think?"[/color] she retorted with a snort and a roll of her eyes at his last comment. Once comfortably back in the Mill, Gilbert squared off at Alexandra. [color=sienna]"The overall lesson, my young Paradox - one of the core teachings of Sun Tzu - and the truth that stands now, thousands of years later that will likewise stand for thousands more: [i]All warfare is based on deception[/i]."[/color] Gilbert gave another of his wickedly disarming smiles, coming to his secondary point. [color=sienna]"And so, I have a confession... You were never poisoned, Alexandra. Though it should serve as an unforgettable lesson for you, from this point forward. Deception. All warfare. Chilling, is it not? Take a moment, then enjoy the rest of your day. Tomorrow, I have no doubt that you will not hold back during combat training."[/color] Alexandra's mouth fell agape for possibly the second time today. [I]It had all been a ploy?![/I] Her jaw then snapped shut, eyes narrowing slightly before she finally let out a small huff of exasperation. [color=8A2BE2]"Arsehole,[/color] she exclaimed, shortly before they parted ways for the day.