The hairs on the back of his neck crept straight up as the child's voice called out his name. The mood inside had grown so cold he could almost see his wispy, hushed breath escaping. His knuckles gripped the phone so hard they were as white as the ghost who addressed him. He could only force out a mumbled response, "Who... what... how do...". [i]Tap.[/i] The sudden noise caused João to leap out of his skin. His body crashed into the side of the rickety phone booth, breaking some more glass and causing it to rock back and forth for a few moments. He dropped the phone and grabbed his now bruised shoulder as he stared wide-eyed at the strange creature waiting outside. All Mister Reis could see when looking at it was the Grim Reaper tapping its watch, indicating his appointed time had come. He was trapped. The phone booth still had enough glass remaining to make escape through any other means than the door inadvisable. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The only option was to fight back. He slowly extended his hand around the door handle, paused for a moment of last second hesitation, and then shot the door open with all his might and charged at the strange creature, intending to tackle it (her?) to the ground. "Cultist! You will not take me alive!"