Meesei had to stop for a few moments to think on precisely how to word her response. She took a bite out of the snake, then another drink of wine to buy a few seconds to collect her thoughts. "Hmm...I can say that the secrecy was not [i]just[/i] because of the lack of security with the letters. There are some other reasons that I have to keep my personal relationships more private than most. You know how my position places rather high expectations upon me, which can complicate matters at times. I have to avoid showing undue favoritism between clans, or even the [i]perception[/i] of favoritism. I have found someone, yes, but knowledge of that relationship could cause issues between certain groups." She explained. Strictly speaking, Meesei's words were not a complete lie, as her relationship with Lunise would certainly raise some questions about Meesei's connections with the Dominion, and Dominion clans, but that was far from the greatest of reasons they needed to remain secretive. "What I can say is that she is a beautiful Altmer. Someone who can be difficult to get to know, but who is definitely worth the effort. She filled a void in my life that I did not know I had." Meesei added. [hr] "Well, make sure your men are competent enough not to make mistakes, and you can cut that down to ten minutes." Hal-Neesa remarked. If there was one trait that she had in common with both the Legate General and Teroiah, it was that they had no desire to temper their words for the sake of diplomacy. "If you don't think your armies are skilled enough to even hold off for [i]that[/i] long against the enemy, then you may as well resign yourself to death here and now. What you get out of bringing down a dark anchor is basically an entire extra army. Do I really need to explain the value of teleporting in an army of reinforcements right into the middle of a fight. Moving around your army is going to take time regardless; if we can shape up your frontline to be decently competent, then we can bring down an anchor by the time the rear of your force has caught up to the position. Risky? Sure, but if you want guarantees, then you're joining the wrong invasion." Without skipping a beat, Neesa continued on with something of a satisfied smirk towards Teroiah. "Now, as for dealing with their commanders, I would have thought the same about the Elves we fought. They were supposed to be the 'superior' race of intelligent wizards, yet they fell for the same trick every time. Helped that [i]our[/i] champion never left any survivors to report on what happened. And that Morihaus was an exceptionally better leader than any of their lesser commanders. Our victories were...decisive. Obviously, I do not mean that we should start shouting at the Skaafin commanders to take a duel with our champion, but they are Daedra, so they will be leading from the frontlines. I think we can just send in Hircine's Champion eliminate any commanders we find, and they will not even consider retreating from that fight. I judge her to be acceptably competent for that role. Aside from myself, she is obviously the strongest that any of you three have available to you. Best of all, she and her minions have that irritating 'hero' mentality that will, at least, make them just eager to agree to it." Ri'vashi hid her suspicion and anger towards Hal-Neesa for now. Aside from her suggestion to use these portals to Coldharbour, Ri'vashi did not find herself disagreeing with her plan. "There is some merit to what the vampire says. Any Daedra will drastically underestimate our Champion and her pack. They are a small team that can move quickly, and with deadly purpose. Ri'vashi doubts that the Daedra would ever become outright demoralized, but they seem to place great focus on powerful, elite units, which, in Ri'vashi's opinion, will still not be able to stand against the Champion's pack."