Great story, SpeedLimit, looks like we have three partners, and room for two more. [quote=@Overlord Thraka] In that case I might make a few quick little edits to mine... Maybe. One of the bigger things with Mergoux is she's supposed to have been active before the industrial steampunk revolution, and retired partially because of the drastic change effecting the world. She's got age and experience on her side, but hasn't fully embraced a lot of the new tech. How long ago are we saying the Steampunk revolution started? Is 30 or so years ago workable or does it need to be earlier? [/quote] The world did not uniformly enter the steam age all at once: like all technology, steam-powered tech started at one point and it spread out from there. Maybe wherever Mergoux came from only recently got the technology, within the 30-year time frame.