When Xavier dashed forward to deliver his mighty punch, he had many things going through his mind. "This is gonna be so cool" and "time to show this death knight who's boss" being a couple. His ultimate attack. This thing has never let him down. It's capable of one-shotting raid bosses. It can clear rooms in moments. And when it impacts this knight, he's going to- [i][b]"Parry!"[/b][/i] As the punch hit to seemingly no effect, another thought went through his mind. [color=ed1c24][b][i]"... Oh... Shit."[/i][/b][/color] Suddenly, a vague apparition of his own arm appeared from the knight, about to release it's own Megaton Punch. Xavier dodged at the last moment, having a minor heart attack, as the missed punch erupted gusts of wind from the force, sending Xavier back a few meters. That was terrifying. He was pretty sure at that point that this was no ordinary death knight. Erupting from the body of a bigger death knight should've probably tipped him off. [b][i]"Full Cover!"[/i][/b] The knight held it's shield to Alena, blocking her off. Well, on the plus side, at least most of his defense is gone. Xavier needed to do something, and quickly. He'd considered throwing some Consecutive Hits, but lamented the possibility of Ghost Hands retaliating. He couldn't possibly charge another Megaton Punch and leave himself open for another half a minute. But he had to finish this guy. It was dangerous. [color=ed1c24][b]"... Well, here goes nothing."[/b][/color] So, as a sort of last-ditch effort, Xavier used his Light Dash to close the distance and threw a Rockabye punch at the knight. Or, at least, he hoped he was throwing a Rockabye. Wasn't entirely sure how this activation thing worked.