[@Rune_Alchemist] Oh, alright, you just edited that into there. Alright, then. Nicely posted. With all that done, you said you'd be heading for the Stillwood Village Gym, right? I went ahead and wrote a bunch about that, so go at it. If you think I went forward too quickly, maybe you had questions you wanted to ask the Gym Guy or something, then tell me and we can work it out, heh. [@Eklispe][@Joshua Tamashii] And here you go, a Pokémon encounter for Dawkin, a "the GM rolled the die to see what happened" for Amelia, heh. Nicely posted. I will note the Cacnea are not as numerous as Amelia noted, they're just common enough that you will see a couple on your journey through the desert, but yeah. Nicely posted enough. Five days had gone since my last post, so I posted for those who had posted... [@Dusksong][@Gardevoiran][@Old Amsterdam][@Demon Shinobi] So, entire new group. How are you doing?